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00:25 Popular
Monkey Kung-fu Karate Judo Scimmia Video Divertente Debo
Aggiunto 791 Visto / 0 Likesvery very very funny....a monkey fight vs his trainer
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25:01 Popular
[Kung Fu] Unparalleled Judo Knife (1970) PT. 1
Aggiunto 718 Visto / 0 LikesSynopsis: 1970 Taiwanese martial arts film directd by Mo Man-Hung. Cast: Kong Ban, Chen Hung-Lieh, Wong Yeuk-Ping, Au Lap-Bo, Lung Fei, Liu Chu, Lee Shu, Hung Gam-Lin, Mo Man-Hung, Wong Jun, Yiu Siu-Cheung, Kuk Wang, Chiu Tak-San, Yee Yuen, Yu Tien-Lung,
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01:01 Popular
Kung Fu, Judo, Karate Voor Kinderen In Almere
Aggiunto 798 Visto / 0 LikesInfo:www.jingwukids.com Wij geven in Almere voor kinderen het Jing Wu Kids programma wat bestaat uit diverse vechtkunsten/vechtsporten waaronder het judo, karate, kung fu, braziliaans jiu jitsu, en nog veel meer en dit hebben wij aangevuld met diverse lev
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01:50 Popular
Stephen Chow Very Funny Judo Scene
Aggiunto 844 Visto / 0 Likesthis is comedy clip from stephen chows fight back to school 2.........:) subscribe for more..
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01:12 Popular
National Combat Judo - Combat Vs. Kungfu Kid
Aggiunto 725 Visto / 0 Likeshave a break & watch our live game with filipino kungfu kid.
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00:16 Popular
Gangnam Style De PSY En El Karate Judo Taekwondo Kung Fu
Aggiunto 816 Visto / 0 LikesGangnam Style de PSY en el karate judo taekwondo kung fu
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01:31 Popular
Kung Fu Vs Judo Vs Taekwondo
Aggiunto 735 Visto / 0 Likesvia YouTube Capture
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02:10 Popular
PKS OLIMPIA Poznań Judo, Karate, Kung Fu (wing Tsun), Aikido
Aggiunto 795 Visto / 0 Likesfilm wyk. Marcin Kłujsza.
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00:55 Popular
Judo Vs Aikido
Aggiunto 697 Visto / 0 Likespelea de un disque judoka con un aikidoka. aunque para mi que el judoka esta solo de uke y no pelea nada.
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01:27 Popular
Full Version: Turkish Wrestler Vs Aikidoka
Aggiunto 706 Visto / 0 LikesSee more at www.martialkinetics.com.au. Grandmaster of Turkish Submission Wrestling and head of the Marital Kinetics Academy, Levent Altunbas, is unexpectedly challenged to a match when he visited the largest Aikido dojo in Vietnam. His opponent is a 4th
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03:17 Popular
Aggiunto 748 Visto / 0 Likesthe only description available is "OUCH!" For more Aikido fight videos watch the following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCSDrqbD8UM&list=PL9jZKMwg5C-HTVkPbm4mPVssLf_t_1ngk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UwD4Y3dCpY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2G