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04:13 Popular
Karate, Kickboxing, Judo, Taekwondo, Boxing, MMA {Promo 5} - Produced By DJ Gosh Fire
Aggiunto 864 Visto / 0 Likes"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might o
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03:26 Popular
Aggiunto 785 Visto / 0 LikesJUDO - O Judo é uma das artes marciais mais praticadas do mundo. Ele foi fundado oficialmente em 1882, e é uma arte marcial que combina quedas e torções/imobilizações. É um esporte olímpico hoje em dia, e perdeu muito de sua essência, porém, ainda existem
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16:35 Popular
World Champion Grandmaster Kwon (Hwardo) 10th Degree Black Belt
Aggiunto 828 Visto / 0 Likeshttp://www.grandmasterhykwon.com Hwardo is a combination martial art using the best of TaeKwonDo, HapKiDo, KickBoxing, Karate, KungFu, Judo, and Weapons. World Champion 10th Degree Black Belt Grand Master HY Kwon and his sons Masters Kwon display proper H
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00:38 Popular
Beautiful Blonde Taekwondo Girl Shows Her Taekwondo Skills During Casual Sparring
Aggiunto 805 Visto / 0 LikesIf you like Martial Arts Girls like we do, please SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=artbrut1982 More videos of beautiful girls working out in Martial Arts: Korean Girl Kicks Guys Ass During a Jiu- Jitsu Competition: https
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23:25 Popular
National Geographic Fight Science Stealth Fighters Part1
Aggiunto 729 Visto / 0 Likescredit for National Geographic Channel
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03:04 Popular
Lo Mejor Karate Taekwondo Judo Exhibición De Artes Marciales Plan Sexenal 2015.
Aggiunto 759 Visto / 0 LikesExhibición de Artes Marciales: Karate Taekwondo Judo Plan Sexenal Septiembre 2015 Exhibición de Artes Marciales Plan Sexenal 2015 1- MOVIMIENTOS BÁSICOS Y AVANZADOS. INGRESO DE NIÑOS PREESCOLARES Y ESCOLARES, JUVENILES Y ADULTOS GRADOS MENORES E INTERMEDI
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02:55 Popular
Taekwondo Spiderman | Flips & Kicks
Aggiunto 708 Visto / 0 LikesSpiderman Training Flips, Kicks, punches and Crazy Attacks. Also, some on the BOB (Body Opponent Bag). I hope you like it :) Please Like, Comment and Subscribe! Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/GingerNinjaTrickster Twitter- https://www.twitter.com/
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01:20 Popular
Aggiunto 816 Visto / 0 LikesMon entrainement du 5 mars 2013, par une belle matinée ensoleillée. Cardio. Training et enchainements pieds-poings de base. Karate Quiévrain - Taekwondo Hensies - Hoshin Moosool Hapkido Hensies - Boxe Baudour - Judo Hornu - ( MIXED MARTIAL ARTS )
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03:56 Popular
Self-defense Technique Tutorial Using Judo Throw 1 (taekwonwoo)
Aggiunto 708 Visto / 0 LikesLearn how to apply Judo outside sweep technique against punch. Like TaekwonWoo http://www.facebook.com/MasterWoosOnlineTaekwondoTraining. What's your TKD training challenge? Let http://www.taekwonwoo.net find the most effective and affordable online taekw