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03:12 Popular
Aggiunto 649 Visto / 0 Likeshttp://91.ufc.com - UFC 91: Couture vs. Lesnar is TONIGHT. Its the biggest fight in UFC history! 3-time UFC heavyweight Champ, Randy Couture returns to the octagon and puts his title on the line against the biggest opponent of his career, wrestling powerh
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00:31 Popular
All Star MMA Judo Kickboxing Classes
Aggiunto 701 Visto / 0 Likeshttp://www.mmabahamas.com. MMA, Miyama Ryu Jujutsu, Jiujitsu, Judo, Kickboxing Weight loss. Classes offered at All Star Family Center on Joe Farrington Road and New Providence Community Center on Blake Road. 242-364-6773.
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27:11 Popular
UFC Judo Kickboxer (Pro)
Aggiunto 687 Visto / 0 LikesCareer Mode (#1 Contender!) -- www.twitch.tv/stoiker/c/4487785&utm_campaign=archive_export&utm_source=stoiker&utm_medium=youtube
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01:44 Popular
How To COUNTER A Judo Throw Counter And Throw Your Opponent! - UFC Fighter & Olympian Dan Kelly
Aggiunto 757 Visto / 0 LikesSUBSCRIBE - https://twitter.com/SubmissionAus Submission Radio Technique of the Week - How to do an Uchi Mata into a Harai Goshi AKA Judo Throw Counter into another Judo Throw, for No Gi BJJ, Sambo, Judo and MMA - demonstrated by UFC Middleweight fighter
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09:26 Popular
Brock Lesnar Mma Debut. (1st Fight )
Aggiunto 641 Visto / 0 LikesBrock Lesnar's First Ever Mma Debut. Vs Min Soo Kim.
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01:10 Popular
Kickboxing Knockouts - Muay Thai Vs Kickboxing Knockouts - Best Kickboxing Knockouts
Aggiunto 694 Visto / 0 LikesKickboxing Knockouts, Muay Thai vs Kickboxing Knockouts, Best Kickboxing Knockouts Channel: https://goo.gl/yblR6j Web: http://vothuatchiendau.blogspot.com/ Playlist: https://goo.gl/7HboLa -------------------------------------------------------------------
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02:35 Popular
TheKiDancer 2011: Judo, KiAikido, Karate, KickBoxing, Danza Moderna E Tango Argentino In Via Doni
Aggiunto 758 Visto / 0 LikesTheKiDancer 07.93.2011 Exhibiton diJudo, Aikido, Karate, KickBoxing, Danza Moderna e Tango Argentino nella StreetFesta della Rificolona, via Doni - Firenze of A.P.D. Ki Dojo - Florence facebook Ki Dojo http://www.kidojo.it info@kidojo.it
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01:57 Popular
9 Year Old Kick Boxing Beast! Greubel's MMA Augusta GA
Aggiunto 735 Visto / 0 LikesGreubel's Children's Mixed Martial Arts is the best training facility for muay thai, jiu-jitsu, bjj, mma, boxing, kickboxing, judo, circuit training (cross fit style), cardio and self defense. Augusta, Fort Gordon, Evans, Martinez, www.greubelsmma.com
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04:16 Popular
Yudansha MMA Okinawa -- No Gi Training In Judo, Jiujitsu, Kickboxing And Arnis
Aggiunto 719 Visto / 0 LikesYudansha No Gi Training in Judo, Jiujitsu, Muay Thai Kickboxing and Arnis. During this work out the team does a little bit of kyokushin style sparring. Everything fine except punches to the head. Also, Yudansha students go against The Gauntlet of 3 attack
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02:07 Popular
Judo Movement Cardio Kickboxing
Aggiunto 701 Visto / 0 LikesJudo Movement Cardio Kickboxing Class
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05:11 Popular
...tak Bylo Juty../polish/ Kickboxing, Judo.....
Aggiunto 756 Visto / 0 LikesWszystko to dzialo sie w ubieglym wieku.... I nigdy nie przypuszczalbym ze w tym miejscu sie znajde...
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00:33 Popular
Muay Thai - Kickboxing - K1 - MMA - Boxen - Unser Gladiator Achilleas Bei Arena Aschaffenburg
Aggiunto 639 Visto / 0 LikesMuay Thai - Kickboxing - K1 - MMA - Boxen - BJJ - Grappling - Berserkers und viele andere Kampfsportarten bei Achilleas Arena Aschaffenburg muay thai muay thai techniken muay thai training kickboxing workout kickboxing training kickboxing high kick kickbo