
Difesa personale

  • 04:23 Popular BJJ Vs JUDO In Judo Rules, Who Will Win?

    BJJ Vs JUDO In Judo Rules, Who Will Win?

    da Pluto Aggiunto 737 Visto / 0 Likes

    fight coached by sensie paolo, ace and jay. a wierd fight match. coached game planed with hamir achacoso.

  • 12:28 Popular Amir Perets  Interview- MMA/Krav Maga Specialist

    Amir Perets Interview- MMA/Krav Maga Specialist

    da Pluto Aggiunto 737 Visto / 0 Likes

    http://www.studiomma.com http://www.amirperets.com Israel's heavyweight full-contact martial arts champion Krav Maga Instructor

  • 1:40:48 Popular O Mestre SHAOLIN Em Currais Novos-RN - OCocoTaSeco.com

    O Mestre SHAOLIN Em Currais Novos-RN - OCocoTaSeco.com

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    O Mestre SHAOLIN fazendo o show em Currais Novos-RN - oCocoTaSeco

  • 05:12 Popular Differences Between Judo And BJJ Groundwork

    Differences Between Judo And BJJ Groundwork

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    Mike Lee (http://www.h2oma.com/) and Stephan Kesting (http://www.grapplearts.com) talk about the differences between BJJ groundwork and Judo newaza at a seminar in downtown Vancouver (at http://www.infightingmma.com)

  • 01:21 Popular Krav Maga VS Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Krav Maga VS Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    da Pluto Aggiunto 736 Visto / 0 Likes

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) Training in Melbourne http://www.idftraining.com.au/ 1300 858 265

  • 02:00 Popular Way Better Than Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Karate Or MMA!!!

    Way Better Than Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Karate Or MMA!!!

    da Pluto Aggiunto 736 Visto / 0 Likes

    su dojo es la calle, tienen panza, sangre en el alcohol, pero son deadly as hell!

  • 01:28 Popular Dude Gets Handled By BJJ Practitioner

    Dude Gets Handled By BJJ Practitioner

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    Just as the title says, some drunk guys with beer muscles yelling at each other, some girls making it sorta worse, and some jiu-jitsu at the end, I stopped filming because I jumped in cause they were going to jump the guy #worldstar

  • 01:57 Popular 9 Year Old Kick Boxing Beast! Greubel's MMA Augusta GA

    9 Year Old Kick Boxing Beast! Greubel's MMA Augusta GA

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    Greubel's Children's Mixed Martial Arts is the best training facility for muay thai, jiu-jitsu, bjj, mma, boxing, kickboxing, judo, circuit training (cross fit style), cardio and self defense. Augusta, Fort Gordon, Evans, Martinez, www.greubelsmma.com

  • 01:11 Popular The Best Way To Control Your Opponent In Krav Maga And MMA (Part 1)

    The Best Way To Control Your Opponent In Krav Maga And MMA (Part 1)

    da Pluto Aggiunto 735 Visto / 0 Likes

    kravmagaunyted.com Learn the most effective way to control your opponent in krav maga and mixed martial arts training. Expert krav maga, mma and self defense instructor Jarret Waldman will teach you how to generate unbelievable power when delivering your

  • 03:10 Popular KUNG FU Vs JUDO FULL CONTACT


    da Pluto Aggiunto 735 Visto / 0 Likes

    This is a re-upload, the original was in Spanish. Interesting to see how inexperienced the Judo guy is in striking.He takes a few good shots But as soon as he gets close, well.....ouch

  • 01:50 Popular นักสู้นีโอ  Judo Vs Kungfu

    นักสู้นีโอ Judo Vs Kungfu

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    MMA: War in the Cage. On Tuesday, September 20./11 The pool at Thammasat Rangsit.

  • 05:36 Popular Judo Vs Taekwondo

    Judo Vs Taekwondo

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    2 Ragazzi Napoletani Che Perdono Tempo ;) Accettiamo Commenti Offensivi.
