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08:29 Popular
Karate Vs Kung Fu 2007 En China Artes Marciales Adrianchuu.-
Aggiunto 788 Visto / 0 LikesIncreible torneo de artes marciales en china (L) karate vs kung fu shaolin Japon vs China gano kung fu pero karate le gano una pelea faltaba una mas y ganaba igual los 2 estubieron increibles para ser unos simples chiocs de 12 años.. Adrianchuu adrianchuu
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02:01 Popular
Taekwondo Excercises - How To Do A Judo Inside Sweep - Taekwondo Egypt
Aggiunto 705 Visto / 0 LikesTaekwondo wtf Taekwondo world championship 2014 Taekwondo women Taekwondo world, Taekwondo world cup, Taekwondo wtf training, taekwondo world championship 2014 knockout, Taekwondo world championship, Taekwondo with music, Taekwondo world cup 2014, taekwon
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04:24 Popular
Yuta Yazaki (Judo - Bl Ue GI)sparring With Makoto Ikuta (Bjj White Gi)
Aggiunto 666 Visto / 0 LikesJudo national Team member at 90 kg Yuta Yazaki light newaza sparring against BJJ blackbelt Makoto Ikuta (best 8 at mundial at 70 kg)
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01:48 Popular
Rickson Gracie: Ronda Rousey Vs Women's BJJ
Aggiunto 684 Visto / 0 LikesRickson - "So I hope she has a great, brilliant future." On the GreatMMADebate June 23 2014 Ronda Rousey stated: "One thing I couldn’t stand when I was only watching MMA coming from Judo, is all these people saying that that all of these Jiu-Jitsu people
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01:27 Popular
Judo Vs. B.j.j - BROKEN ARM
Aggiunto 647 Visto / 0 LikesAriel "da Lion of Zion" Like my Page https://www.facebook.com/Ariel-da-Lion-of-Zion-Shulman-308297569323739/
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06:20 Popular
JUDO Vs BJJ Sub Grappling CONTEST Prelim Highlights
Aggiunto 664 Visto / 0 LikesSubmission Grappling Contest February 28 2010 No holds, no throws scored Just submissions...no spine locks. (excluding dojime, allowed!) Jason Koster ran a nice tournament! http://www.chchma.co.nz/ www.chchma.co.nz
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04:23 Popular
BJJ Vs JUDO In Judo Rules, Who Will Win?
Aggiunto 737 Visto / 0 Likesfight coached by sensie paolo, ace and jay. a wierd fight match. coached game planed with hamir achacoso.
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04:56 Popular
JUDO Vs Jiu Jitsu Sub Grappling TEAM FINAL
Aggiunto 860 Visto / 0 LikesStrikeforce Jujitsu vs Christchurch Judo School 5 person open weight TEAM EVENT, 9 teams SURVIVOR SERIES Winner stays, fight any order, flip to see who starts, other team matches. Throws dont count, nor holds. No heel hooks or neck/spine locks. (but do-ji
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00:53 Popular
Judo Versus BJJ
Aggiunto 658 Visto / 0 LikesJudo black belt in black jacket in a standup match against a BJJ blue belt
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00:26 Popular
Judo Vs Bjj
Aggiunto 651 Visto / 0 LikesJudo tournament, in where a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Blue Belt goes against a Judo Black Belt, and gets thrown.
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00:13 Popular
Hayward Nishioka Vs Rickson Gracie JUDO VS BJJ Judô Wins
Aggiunto 875 Visto / 0 LikesJudo melhor que bjj
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06:18 Popular
Judo Turtle Attacks For BJJ
Aggiunto 675 Visto / 0 LikesMike Lee (http://www.h2oma.com/) and Stephan Kesting (http://www.grapplearts.com) teach attacks from, and against, the turtle position at a seminar in downtown Vancouver (at http://www.infightingmma.com)