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00:56 Popular
Amazing Aikido Female Master | Best Of The Best
Aggiunto 841 Visto / 0 Likesaikido,aikido techniques,aikido fight,aikido demonstration,aikido vs jiu jitsu,aikido vs mma,aikido master,aikido steven seagal,aikido vs karate,aikido vs,aikido basics,aikido class,aikido bokken,aikido beginner,aikido exercises,aikido games,aikido japan,
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25:35 Popular
Tomiki Aikido Blackbelt Test
Aggiunto 820 Visto / 0 LikesA video of Alfredo's black belt test. His technique was great along with the great assistance from his uke Eugene. Congratulations to Al and, to the viewers, enjoy Courtesy of Watanabe Judo & Aikido Tori : Alfredo Uke: Eugene
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03:30 Popular
Steven Seagal Demonstration
Aggiunto 768 Visto / 0 LikesThis demonstration was presented during the 1993 Expo.
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36:38 Popular
Aikido, Judo, Loketní Kloub A Fyzika
Aggiunto 701 Visto / 0 LikesKdo kontroluje loket, kontroluje celého člověka, říká se v aikidu. Jak spolu souvisí páky a bojové sporty a jak to všechno využít v hodinách fyziky vysvětlí Pavel Jirman.
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02:43 Popular
Aikido Master Morihei Ueshiba:
Aggiunto 730 Visto / 0 LikesFrom 1942 to 1955, Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba spent most of his time in his country home with attached dojo in Iwama, Ibaragi Preference. During and immediately after the war, he had for the first time in years the opportunity to devote himself to per
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02:28 Popular
Jiu Jitsu Vs Aikido
Aggiunto 731 Visto / 0 Likesexcelente combinación de técnicas de 2 de las 3 artes marciales derivadas del jiu-jitsu antiguo (jiu-jitsu moderno, judo, aikido), el verdadero arte marcial de los Samurais
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00:47 Popular
Aikido Vs Güreş
Aggiunto 685 Visto / 0 Likeswww.facebook.com/besyo.parkurlari
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56:21 Popular
Roy Dean On BJJ, Judo, Aikido, And The Path Of The Martial Artist (audio Only)
Aggiunto 702 Visto / 0 LikesStephan Kesting (http://www.grapplearts.com) talks with Roy Dean about what he's learned from training in BJJ, Judo, Aikido and other martial arts, the meaning of BJJ belts, competition strategies, and more. The complete transcript of this interview is av
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02:25 Popular
The Collection: Judo, Aikido, And Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Aggiunto 816 Visto / 0 LikesFree Downloads: http://bit.ly/rdadownloads Android Apps: http://bit.ly/rdabjjandroid iPhone Apps: http://bit.ly/rdabjjapple Jiu Jitsu is a journey. It’s an art. It’s a system of movement; of self defense. It changes lives. So where do you turn first? You