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04:12 Popular
Aggiunto 709 Visto / 0 Likeslapangan SMP N 1 TANAH JAWA Kec.PAMATANG TANAH JAWA
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03:54 Popular
Arm Drags For Street Fighting - Ricky Manetta - MMA Krav Maga
Aggiunto 718 Visto / 0 LikesFor people who don't know Imi Lichtenfeld who invented Krav Maga was a champion wrestler and boxer. So in a sense he was one of the first MMA practitioners. Arm drags are a great wrestling move which can be used to your advantage in the right situation. I
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02:25 Popular
Arm Drags For Street Fighting Continued - Ricky Manetta - MMA Krav Maga
Aggiunto 719 Visto / 0 LikesA fight as ugly as it is is very organic and can go in any direction at any moment. To prepare for this issue you should train every range to prepare for it. As the old saying goes failing to prepare is preparing to fail. There is a beauty in every skill.
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03:26 Popular
Aggiunto 781 Visto / 0 LikesJUDO - O Judo é uma das artes marciais mais praticadas do mundo. Ele foi fundado oficialmente em 1882, e é uma arte marcial que combina quedas e torções/imobilizações. É um esporte olímpico hoje em dia, e perdeu muito de sua essência, porém, ainda existem
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01:27 Popular
Aggiunto 686 Visto / 0 LikesCORSI ARTI MARZIALI MISTE -- MMA-KRAV MAGA-MUAY THAI ARCADIA TORINO : MMA MEIYO ACADEMY http://www.passionearcadia.it/ Con il nostro insegnante Davide Novelli(scuola Mario Rama),avvicinatosi alla disciplina dell'Mma per trovar maggior completezza nel comb
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06:56 Popular
Asian Girl Fights Guy During Jiu Jitsu Competition
Aggiunto 747 Visto / 0 LikesIf you like Martial Arts Girls like we do, please SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=artbrut1982 More videos of beautiful girls working out in Martial Arts: Korean Girl Kicks Guys Ass During a Jiu- Jitsu Competition: https
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07:59 Popular
Aslan Rustamov - Judo Vs BJJ
Aggiunto 621 Visto / 0 LikesAslan Rustamov (Judo/Azerbaijan) vs Kaan Fazal (BJJ/Turkey)
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01:22 Popular
Atletas De Judo, Tenis Y Taekwondo Juramentados Por El COG
Aggiunto 627 Visto / 0 LikesEl atleta Francisco Palacios buscará en China Taipei la plaza para los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud Nanjing 2014, cuando a partir del 17 de marzo se efectúe el clasificatorio mundial de taekwondo. Palacios viajará este viernes acompañado de su entrenad
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01:09 Popular
Bas Bites: Judo In MMA
Aggiunto 660 Visto / 0 LikesBas answers a fan question about why judo is rarely used in MMA. Subscribe to Bas today! http://smarturl.it/subtobas As a professional fighter, one of his favorite tactics was the liver shot (both punch and kick), and he popularized its use in MMA.Rutten
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01:13 Popular
Bas Bites: Krav Maga
Aggiunto 636 Visto / 0 LikesBas responds to a question about how compares Krav Maga to other MMA training. Subscribe to Bas today! http://smarturl.it/subtobas As a professional fighter, one of his favorite tactics was the liver shot (both punch and kick), and he popularized its use