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05:26 Popular
Aggiunto 645 Visto / 0 LikesGRANDMASTER ROGÉRIO GOUVEIA. Goiânia / Go (62) 93140248 Formando Mestres e elevando a qualidade das Artes Marciais. BUJUTSU - NINJUTSU - KRAV MAGA - SYSTEMA RUSSO Kempo, Jujutsu, Aikijujutsu, Koppojutsu, Kyushojutsu, Kakutojutsu, Koshijutsu, KumiUchi, Chu
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00:31 Popular
Octagon MMA And Krav Maga - What's In Your Gym?
Aggiunto 644 Visto / 0 LikesThis is the Octagon MMA and Krav Maga in Greensboro, NC! Do you really know what your gym is all about? Come work out with some of the best trained and most professional trainers in the Triad. Work hard and go home safe. For more information: phone: 336.3
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03:49 Popular
Systema Russo Defesa Contra Faca Alinhando A Lamina E O Corpo
Aggiunto 644 Visto / 0 LikesGRANDMASTER ROGÉRIO GOUVEIA. Goiânia / Go (62) 93140248 novo canal: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVabuNIXAx4Zu5yI_zItgDw Formando Mestres e elevando a qualidade das Artes Marciais. BUJUTSU (Arte Samurai) - NINJUTSU - KRAV MAGA Kempo, Jujutsu, Aikijujut
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02:29 Popular
Judo Vs MMA
Aggiunto 644 Visto / 0 LikesHow about using judo vs MMA? How can you adapt your judo technique to a freestyle fighting situation? 2 adaptations, 1rst technique is a ipon-seoi-nage adaptation. 2nd technique is o-soto-otoshi adaptation. They are simple techniques, yet very effective s
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08:54 Popular
BJJ Vs Judo (Part 2)
Aggiunto 644 Visto / 0 LikesHidehiko Yoshida (Judo Black belt, Olympic Judo gold medalist) vs. Wanderlei Silva (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black belt). Wanderlei Silva wins the fight.
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00:26 Popular
Judo Vs Bjj
Aggiunto 643 Visto / 0 LikesJudo tournament, in where a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Blue Belt goes against a Judo Black Belt, and gets thrown.
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03:12 Popular
Aggiunto 643 Visto / 0 Likeshttp://91.ufc.com - UFC 91: Couture vs. Lesnar is TONIGHT. Its the biggest fight in UFC history! 3-time UFC heavyweight Champ, Randy Couture returns to the octagon and puts his title on the line against the biggest opponent of his career, wrestling powerh
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02:04 Popular
Krav Maga (shorts) Vs Takeshikai Karate
Aggiunto 642 Visto / 0 LikesBEFORE POSTING COMMENTS PLEASE KEEP THESE POINTS IN MIND: 1) The video titles reflect the practitioner's base system; it's used only for identification purposes. 2) We are not here to pit STYLE vs STYLE to determine which is better. 3) Since all the pract
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01:27 Popular
Judo Vs. B.j.j - BROKEN ARM
Aggiunto 642 Visto / 0 LikesAriel "da Lion of Zion" Like my Page https://www.facebook.com/Ariel-da-Lion-of-Zion-Shulman-308297569323739/
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01:20 Popular
Aggiunto 642 Visto / 0 Likeshttp://theselfdefenceexpert.com/why-bjj-will-overtake-judo-and-have-more-participants-by-2020/ For the first time ever data exists that internet interest in BJJ is increasing against Judo. This is the first time that the data shows that people are now act
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06:20 Popular
BJJ V Judo In A BJJ Competiton 1
Aggiunto 641 Visto / 0 LikesDominance MG Gi BJJ Tournament May 2009. Trevor in white gi (BJJ blue belt) vs Bryant in blue gi (Judo black belt ) Bryant fought in the blue belt division and did very well. Some nice throws as expected from Bryant Trevor scored well on the ground to win