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03:12 Popular
Aggiunto 641 Visto / 0 Likeshttp://91.ufc.com - UFC 91: Couture vs. Lesnar is TONIGHT. Its the biggest fight in UFC history! 3-time UFC heavyweight Champ, Randy Couture returns to the octagon and puts his title on the line against the biggest opponent of his career, wrestling powerh
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06:38 Popular
Aggiunto 641 Visto / 0 LikesBJJ female world Champion Mackenzie Dern vs a Japanese Judo Black belt in Bjj rules. Japanese TV can be awesome!
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03:22 Popular
Judo Teen Vs Men SUB BJJ Tourny
Aggiunto 641 Visto / 0 LikesReece fights submission Grappling tournament Nov 2014 He makes the classic judoka mistakes against quality ground opposition that are physically better armed and dangerous... 1. He gave his back too easy. In judo the fights are interrupted, not in BJJ 2.
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12:48 Popular
Judo ( Đai đen ) đấu Với Muaythai - Judo Vs Muaythai
Aggiunto 641 Visto / 0 LikesMichihiro Omigawa (Judo) vs Kevin Ross (Muay Thai) -------------------------------------------------------------- Siêu thị Võ thuật tổng hợp MMAmicro Website : http://MMAmicro.vn/ - http://2KHUC.vn/ Folow us : https://facebook.com/mmamicro
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02:24 Popular
Fightclub06 D'Antibes, MMA, Sambo, JJB, Krav Maga
Aggiunto 641 Visto / 0 LikesPetite vidéo de présentation de nos entraînements au Fightclub06 à Antibes. Cours de MMA, Sambo, JJB, et Krav Maga 6 jours sur 7. Pour plus d'informations: www.fightclub06.com
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02:33 Popular
Guy With Knife Vs Krav Maga
Aggiunto 641 Visto / 0 Likesprofessional krav maga figher(student of Moshe Kratz) vs thug with knife
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05:01 Popular
Ninjutsu Bujutsu - Dia De Treinamento 35 Goiânia
Aggiunto 641 Visto / 0 LikesGRANDMASTER ROGÉRIO GOUVEIA. Goiânia / Go (62) 93140248 Formando Mestres e elevando a qualidade das Artes Marciais. BUJUTSU (Arte Samurai) - NINJUTSU - KRAV MAGA Kempo, Jujutsu, Aikijujutsu, Koppojutsu, Kyushojutsu, Kakutojutsu, Koshijutsu, KumiUchi, Chug
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00:08 Popular
Win Taekwondo Dorfen |Erding | Landshut | Mühldorf | Rosenheim Und Angeschlossene Gruppen
Aggiunto 640 Visto / 0 LikesPfingst- Camp 2014 im Kloster Wettenhausen bei Reinhold Fixle 7. Dan! Hier stand nicht nur Taekwondo in Vordergrund, die geselligen Kontakte, die neuen Netzwerke und das hervorragende Wetter machen die Veranstaltung zum einzigartigen Ereignis. http://www.
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04:24 Popular
Aikibudo Training - Budo Vs Aikido
Aggiunto 640 Visto / 0 LikesAikibudo Training - Budo vs Aikido Subscribe For More Channel: https://goo.gl/AW82Ks Web: http://vothuatchiendau.blogspot.com/ Playlist: https://goo.gl/jsTv4t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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05:01 Popular
Don't Mess With Karate Kid Jesse | Audition Week 2 | Britain's Got Talent 2015
Aggiunto 639 Visto / 0 LikesSee more from Britain's Got Talent at http://itv.com/talent She's cute as a button, but don't get on the wrong side of this fearsome nine-year-old from County Armagh! Jesse melts the Judges' hearts when she first appears on stage, but they're not expectin