Difesa personale
01:28 Popular
UFC Joe Rogan Says That Wing Chun Kung Fu Is Ineffective And A Waste Of Time!
Aggiunto 715 Visto / 0 LikesUPDATE: December 29th 2013 Check out my " NEW" Wing Chun video below !!! IVT ~ Laap Sau Drill Training ( Wing Chun / Ving Tsun ) **NEW** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHVzyrdbQio Ving Tsun/Wing Chun Springtime Training Footage 2013 http://www.youtube.com
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27:11 Popular
UFC Judo Kickboxer (Pro)
Aggiunto 680 Visto / 0 LikesCareer Mode (#1 Contender!) -- www.twitch.tv/stoiker/c/4487785&utm_campaign=archive_export&utm_source=stoiker&utm_medium=youtube
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03:21 Popular
Ukemi #1 - Jujutsu, Judo, Aikido And Other Martial Arts Breakfalls Tutorial - Dojo To Concrete
Aggiunto 732 Visto / 0 LikesLearning how to safely fall (one interpretation of the Japanese word "ukemi") -- not just on the dojo mat, but on the street, literally on pavement if necessary -- is a valuable life skill, not just a martial arts, parkour or free running skill; and it's
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04:47 Popular
USC - Silat Vs Capoeira
Aggiunto 666 Visto / 0 LikesSilat black vs capoeira(white) xango Ultimate Satria Championship 2012
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01:55 Popular
Veja Bruce Lee No MMA Lutando Jiu-Jitsu E Judo
Aggiunto 697 Visto / 0 LikesBruce Lee no MMA Lutando Jiu-Jitsu e Judo nao importavo o estilo falou que-era artes marciais era o que ele mais gostava estava sempre desafiando o se potencial ao maximo se hoje ele estivese vivo tenho certeza que ele ia adorar o MMA porque ele gostava d
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01:28 Popular
Video Krav Maga Torino Maestro Pintaldi Alessandro Palestra Krav Mma Extreme
Aggiunto 778 Visto / 0 Likesdvd krav maga, video trainer krav maga torino, corsi di difesa personale, difesa donna, kubotan, mma, krav mma extreme, palestra di krav maga a torino maestro pintaldi alessandro via rio de janeiro 17 torino, corsi di difesa personale aperti a tutti, tecn
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02:08 Popular
VN Fight: Wingchun Nam Anh Vs Pencatsilat
Aggiunto 633 Visto / 0 Likeskrav maga, shaolin, kungfu, kung fu movie, shaolin kungfu, wingchun dummy, wooden dummy, wingchun kungfu, karate classes, martial arts weapons, wung chun techniques, kung fu shoes, martials arts shoes, kung fu filme, wushu kungfu, wingchun dummy, cheap wi
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01:11 Popular
VN Fight: Wingchun Vs Pencatsilat
Aggiunto 653 Visto / 0 Likeskrav maga, shaolin, kungfu, kung fu movie, shaolin kungfu, wingchun dummy, wooden dummy, wingchun kungfu, karate classes, martial arts weapons, wung chun techniques, kung fu shoes, martials arts shoes, kung fu filme, wushu kungfu, wingchun dummy, cheap wi
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02:13 Popular
VT1 Academy - BJJ, Muay Thai, MMA, Krav Maga
Aggiunto 738 Visto / 0 LikesCome have a peek into VT1 Academy in Sydney, the premier place to train Martial Arts in Australia. Head Instructors Dylan and Liam Resnekov opened VT1 Academy in 2000 with one goal in mind, to create the best Martial Arts and Fitness training centre in Au
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02:00 Popular
Way Better Than Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Karate Or MMA!!!
Aggiunto 730 Visto / 0 Likessu dojo es la calle, tienen panza, sangre en el alcohol, pero son deadly as hell!
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03:26 Popular
WE LOVE MARTIAL ARTS GIRLS Best Of Compilation Part 1
Aggiunto 736 Visto / 0 LikesWE LOVE MARTIAL ARTS GIRLS Best of Compilation part 1 If you like Martial Arts Girls like we do, please SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=artbrut1982 More videos of beautiful girls working out in Martial Arts: Korean Girl