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63. Rally Monte Carlo 1995
Aggiunto 1,015 Visto / 0 Likes63. rally Monte Carlo 1995
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7. Rally Altopiano 7 Comuni 2006
Aggiunto 986 Visto / 0 Likestrofeo rally terra. p.s. ghertele km 7.23. ore 9.12
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7° Liburna Ronde Terra 2015 (PS 3)
Aggiunto 929 Visto / 0 LikesAlcuni passaggi degli equipaggi durante la PS 3 "ULIGNANO" del 7° Liburna Ronde Terra 2015 (10-11 Aprile), ultimo Rally valido per il Trofeo Raceday Ronde Terra 2014/2015.
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7° Liburna Ronde Terra 2015 (PS 4)
Aggiunto 992 Visto / 0 LikesAlcuni passaggi ripresi nell'ultima prova speciale del 7° Liburna Ronde Terra 2015 (10-11 Aprile), durante la PS 4 "ULIGNANO". Rally valido per il Trofeo Raceday Ronde Terra 2014/2015.
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82éme Rallye De Monte Carlo 2014 - ES12 : La Bollène Vésubie -- Col De Turini -- Moulinet
Aggiunto 815 Visto / 0 LikesPassage délicat lors de la troisième étape du rallye de monte carlo 2014
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ACI SPORT Magazine - CIR 2015 - Rally Del Ciocco
Aggiunto 822 Visto / 0 LikesACI SPORT Magazine - CIR 2015 - Rally del Ciocco: Le immagini più belle della prima tappa del Campionato Italiano Rally sulle strade toscane del Rally del Ciocco.
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Aggiunto 1,023 Visto / 0 LikesACI SPORT MAGAZINE - RALLY COSTA SMERALDA - TROFEO RALLY TERRA 2015. La 34° edizione del Rally Costa Smeralda chiude l'annata 2015 del Trofeo Rally Terra
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Audi Quattro Group-B PURE Sound And Action - Rally Legend 2015
Aggiunto 1,075 Visto / 0 LikesI take you onboard Christof Klausner's Audi Quattro Group-B in action during a rally stage of the 13° Rally Legend 2015! Here you'll see 8 minutes of pure rally action as Mr.Klausner drives his Audi completely flatout in every corner! Klausner Rally Team'
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Audi Quattro Vs Lancia Delta S4 Doing Burnouts & Donuts!! - Monza Rally Show 2015
Aggiunto 881 Visto / 0 LikesFlickr Page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/19bozzy92/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/19Bozzy92YT Google+ page: https://plus.google.com/100567781241722617164/posts Probabily the most astonishing thing I saw during the 2015 Monza Rally Show was duri
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AUDI Sport Quattro S1 - Rally Legend 2015 - PURE Sound
Aggiunto 793 Visto / 0 LikesGroup B - San Marino 8.-11.10.2015. ...in 1986 - "cars were monsters and men were men."
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Best Of Porsche Rallye Monte Carlo 2015
Aggiunto 954 Visto / 0 LikesWeb Site by http://www.rivierarally.net/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/wwwrivierarallynet/273200069468?fref=ts You Tube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/rivierarallynet On http://www.rivierarally.net/index.php?c=1 all the videos and photos o