08:23 Popular
Luca Franci - Andrea Segir . Trofeo Rally Terra 2014
Aggiunto 941 Visto / 0 LikesRiprese esterne di Luca Franci ed Andrea Segir nel Trofeo Rally Terra 2014 su Ford Fiesta R2 Vincitori Coppa Csai R2 Trofeo Rally Terra 2014
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16:50 Popular
Rally Trofeo Maremma 2015 Anteprima Videorally Show & Crash
Aggiunto 941 Visto / 0 LikesRally Trofeo Maremma 2015 Anteprima Videorally Show & Crash Selezione dei passaggi realizzati da Videorally e piccola Top Ten Per ordini ed Info Chiamare : 3487624873 oppure mail: videorally@gmail.com
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16:53 Popular
Aggiunto 938 Visto / 0 LikesPAOLO ANDREUCCI ED ANNA ANDREUSSI, PEUGEOT 207 SUPER 2000, VINCONO IL 24° RALLY SAN CRISPINO -- CITTA' DI GUBBIO. Con questo successo il toscano si aggiudica tricolore piloti e consegna alla Peugeot il Costruttori. Paolo Andreucci ed Anna Andreussi, Peuge
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05:07 Popular
Neste Oil Rally 2015 (crash & Action)
Aggiunto 937 Visto / 0 LikesRally Finland 2015, SS 2&6 Pihlajakoski. Sordo`s mistake, rolls, offs, mistakes and wide-lines. Pihlajakoskelta kaatoja, ulosajoja ja leveetä linjaa..
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05:43 Popular
Thierry Neuville Monza Rally Show 2015 Cameracar PS3 Hyundai I20 WRC
Aggiunto 937 Visto / 0 Likeshttp://www.trackfever.eu Hyundai Motors Italia ci mostra il cameracar della PS3 del Monza Rally Show 2015. Neuville e Vial si erano aggiudicati la vittoria di tappa, purtroppo però la penalizzazione di 5 secondi inflitta per aver abbattuto un birillo li h
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05:32 Popular
RC RALLY Monte Carlo.mpg
Aggiunto 936 Visto / 0 LikesNEW RC RALLY- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI6eI3eXDKk Great race in the Liberec ! Film director and director of photography - Mr. I.G. Narrow.
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10:17 Popular
WRC Best Of Rallye Monte Carlo 1997 - 2012
Aggiunto 936 Visto / 0 LikesOn http://www.rivierarally.net/index.php?c=1 all the videos and photos of past editions of the rallye monte carlo, waiting for the edition n ° 81 in January 2013 ; rallye monte carlo 1997 rallye monte carlo 1998 rallye monte carlo 1999 rallye monte carlo
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04:37 Popular
Safe Drive Motorsport - In Onda Le News Della Puntata 53
Aggiunto 935 Visto / 0 LikesNews dai campi gara: Trofeo Rally Terra : Rally Puglia e Lucania (PZ) Trofeo Maserati World Series : Portimao (P) Campionato Italiano Velocità Montagna : Verzegnis-Sella Chianzutan (BZ)
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15:00 Popular
ERC 2013 France Day 2 - SS 11 Live - Part 1/3
Aggiunto 934 Visto / 0 LikesERC 2013 - Round 05 - Tour de Corse - France - SS 11 Live European Rally Championship 2013
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03:26 Popular
Valentino Rossi Driving His Ford Fiesta WRC - 2015 Monza Rally Show
Aggiunto 933 Visto / 0 LikesI have filmed the famous MotoGP rider Valentino Rossi VR46 doing some practice sessions in his badass Monster Energy-livered Ford Fiesta WRC during the 2015 Monza Rally Show. Hope you enjoy the video. Follow me also on: - Facebook: http://www.fb.com/NM225
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14:24 Popular
WRC - Tour De Corse - 1997 - TF1 - Auto-Moto
Aggiunto 932 Visto / 0 LikesCommentaire Christian Vella. Championnat du monde des Rallyes - Une des plus belle manche des Rallyes avec la confrontation des World Rally Car et des Kit Car.
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14:51 Popular
Racing And Rally Crash Compilation Week 38 September 2015
Aggiunto 931 Visto / 0 LikesR.I.P. Mathieu Joly - Rallye National Vosgien Leon Gonyo - Devil's Bowl Speedway This video is for educational purposes only. This compilation brings all the best of crashes all over the world during the week of 14/09 to 20/09. Catch up all the crashes, s