06:49 Popular
13° Rally Legend 2015 - LO SPETTACOLO!
Aggiunto 785 Visto / 0 LikesAcqua, Vento, Nebbia, ma Rally Legend non si ferma! Altra fantastica edizione di Rally Legend! Il meglio del meglio! Un ringraziamento a tutti gli spettatori e a tutti i piloti per averci fatto passare uno splendido Weekend! Un ringraziamento particolare
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05:37 Popular
13° Rally Legend 2015 - Pure Sound [HD]
Aggiunto 962 Visto / 0 LikesFacebook: http://fb.com/Palbo46 Twitter: http://bit.ly/O3gEvU Flickr: http://bit.ly/Vdvd00 Enjoy the best action from 13° Rally Legend 2015! The event, which is developing all inside the Republic of San Marino, boasts an incredibly rich "parterre de roi"
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17:05 Popular
13° Rally Legend 2015 - Pure Sound, Show And Crash
Aggiunto 945 Visto / 0 LikesBest of 13° Rally Legend 2015 P.S. I Laghi - Le Tane - The Legend
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09:17 Popular
13° Rally Legend 2015 - PURE Sounds, Drifts And Action!
Aggiunto 1,938 Visto / 0 LikesI take part to the 13th Rally Legend event in the Republic of San Marino. Just like every year, this important rally gathers some of the most iconic rally cars (such as Group B ones!) and enthusiasts from all around Europe! Weather wasn't good but it was
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09:24 Popular
13° RALLY LEGEND 2015 - Rally Action & Drifts - PURE Sound
Aggiunto 1,126 Visto / 0 LikesMaximum Attack! Three days of rally action in San Marino 8.-11.10.2015. Video inc. rally action, nice slides, jumps and huge speed etc.
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04:24 Popular
13° Rally Legend 2015 Driving In The RAIN
Aggiunto 694 Visto / 0 Likes13° Rally legend 2015: San Marino 8 - 11 Ottobre P.S. La casa - Piandavello - San Marino SUBSCRIBE FOR OTHER VIDEOS: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Masorally FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Masorally/788987211121322
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21:14 Popular
Aggiunto 758 Visto / 0 Likeshttp://www.sidewaysmedia.net Footage from the 2015 Rallylegend held in San Marino and celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Lancia Delta S4.
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08:09 Popular
13° Rallylegend 2015 CRASH, JUMPS & SHOW [HD] PURE SOUND
Aggiunto 908 Visto / 0 LikesBest of show of 13°Rallylegend 2015 Crash,jumps,mistakes from San Marino Ps "i laghi" - "la casa" - "le tane" - & "The Legend" All right reserved video by Cliowilli96
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02:24 Popular
13° Rallylegend 2015 DAY 1 With FLAMES!
Aggiunto 733 Visto / 0 Likes13° Rallylegend 2015: Repubblica di San Marino 8 - 11 Ottobre P.S. La casa. SUBSCRIBE FOR OTHER VIDEOS: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Masorally FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Masorally/788987211121322
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16:19 Popular
13° Rallylegend San Marino 2015 SHOW,CRASH & PURE SOUND
Aggiunto 839 Visto / 0 LikesDay 2 SS "Le Tane" 1 e 2 **** Day 3 SS "San Marino" 1 e 2 il Legend non sbaglia mai!! Incidente Lancia Delta spaventoso,equipaggio ok! By PIZMATTO
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04:47 Popular
13°Rally Legend 2015 - Pure Sound,Jumps & Show [HD] By Ferrario Video
Aggiunto 877 Visto / 0 LikesLe migliori immagini del 13° Rally Legend 2015 By Ferrario Video . Il dvd con tutti i concorrenti o i dvd personalizzati sono disponibili con 15 riprese + la partenza e arrivo su www.ferrariovideo.it e-mail:ferrariovideo@yahoo.it o cellulare +393395684108
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08:20 Popular
13º Rally Legend Repubblica Di San Marino 2015 HD Onboard Paolo DIANA
Aggiunto 878 Visto / 0 LikesDSD SPORT MIX ; Os dejamos una emocionante camara onboard del rally legend 2015,