
Sport Estremo

Video di sport estremi

  • 04:01 Popular

    da Pluto Aggiunto 689 Visto / 0 Likes

    Atlas 21 con barra modificata "speed-bar", trim con elastico a mano, bussola e via ! la prima trasvolata del tirreno con deltaplano a motore

  • 04:25 Popular

    da Pluto Aggiunto 762 Visto / 0 Likes

    Volcom Snowboarding presents Standing Ovation, a short film starring Bryan Iguchi and Jamie Lynn, two of the World's most respected and influential snowboard athletes of all time. They have dedicated the better part of their lives to living and breathing

  • 1:25:49 Popular

    da Pluto Aggiunto 702 Visto / 0 Likes

    "Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave" | Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Jun Chong, Deborah Dutch Subscribe now for the best Bollywood movies and scenes: http://bit.ly/Lehren-Cinema Movie Name - Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave (1976) Movie Cast - Jun Chong

  • 05:47 Popular #BATTLEDRIFT - Vaughn Vs. Daigo

    #BATTLEDRIFT - Vaughn Vs. Daigo

    da Pluto Aggiunto 1,090 Visto / 0 Likes

    Vaughn Gittin Jr. heads to Niigata, Japan in his 550 HP 5.0L V-8 Mustang RTR to take on Daigo Saito’s 650 HP V-12 Drift Lamborghini. Built by Liberty Walk and Phat Five racing, Saito's AWD to RWD converted beast is looking for a fight. The two drift legen

  • 03:44 Popular ***Bruce Lee's Unnoticed Movements***

    ***Bruce Lee's Unnoticed Movements***

    da Pluto Aggiunto 753 Visto / 0 Likes

    We all know that Bruce Lee is extremely fast. In the sequences done in movies, there are many moves or strikes that are not noticed by many of us because most of them are not quite visible. This is simply because Bruce Lee was a master and had a high degr

  • 09:29 Popular ...Paracadutismo 4500 Metri..ALE & YARI...Sky Team CREMONA

    ...Paracadutismo 4500 Metri..ALE & YARI...Sky Team CREMONA

    da Pluto Aggiunto 749 Visto / 0 Likes


  • 08:14 Popular ..Paracadutismo 4500 Metri ALE & YARI...Sky Team CREMONA...

    ..Paracadutismo 4500 Metri ALE & YARI...Sky Team CREMONA...

    da Pluto Aggiunto 753 Visto / 0 Likes

    ....15/03/2008 ore 13.00 Sky team cremona LANCIO DA 4500 METRI....PARACADUTISMO ESTREMO...LIBIDINE..DOPPIA LIBIDINE CON FIOCCO!!!!!! NO LIMITS .....

  • 03:34 Popular 1,500 People Watching Roy Elghanayan's Krav Maga LIVE!

    1,500 People Watching Roy Elghanayan's Krav Maga LIVE!

    da Pluto Aggiunto 822 Visto / 0 Likes

    MAKE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE (DO IT. IT'S FREE!) Roy Elghanayan and his Krav Maga school (from Los Angeles, REKM Inc.) represented Israel and Krav Maga as a Self Defense System at the United States Martial Arts Festival (USMAF) 2010 at Redondo Beach Performing

  • 00:31 Popular 1-Sci Estremo, Salti, Spettacolari Acrobazie

    1-Sci Estremo, Salti, Spettacolari Acrobazie

    da Pluto Aggiunto 760 Visto / 0 Likes

    1-Sci Estremo, Salti, spettacolari acrobazie, gara, corsa, competizioni, giravolte, capovolte, sport, sport estremo, emozionante, spericolate, neve, sci, snowboard, montagna, slittino - Extreme skiing, jumps, spectacular stunts, race, racing, racing, turn

  • 05:33 Popular 10 Beginner Snowboard Skills - First Day Riding

    10 Beginner Snowboard Skills - First Day Riding

    da Pluto Aggiunto 777 Visto / 0 Likes

    These 10 skills are going to show you how to turn down your first run, get around the mountain with your snowboard on and prepare you for the chairlift. You can learn these 10 beginner snowboard skill on your first day snowboarding, but everyone learns at

  • 03:02 Popular 10 Snowboard Grabs - Snowboarding Trick List

    10 Snowboard Grabs - Snowboarding Trick List

    da Pluto Aggiunto 878 Visto / 0 Likes

    10 Snowboard grabs you can start adding to your snowboard trick list. I'll go around the snowboard breaking down all the basic grab and a few more technical ones too. Lets start with the tail grab. This is where you reach your back hand to grab the tail o

  • 03:29 Popular 10 Snowboard Tricks To Learn First

    10 Snowboard Tricks To Learn First

    da Pluto Aggiunto 920 Visto / 0 Likes

    Make a Snowboard Trick list and work your way through each trick. video I'm going to give you a list of the first ten tricks to learn on your snowboard. These snowboard tricks are in order and each trick will teach you a snowboarding skill that you'll use
