Sport Estremo
Video di sport estremi
00:37 Popular
Aggiunto 923 Visto / 0 LikesRiviera Triestina Filtri. Arrivare alla spiaggetta Ai Filtri ? Uno sport estremo ! Esperienza da evitare, le guide turistiche triestine, scrivono inesattezze e falsità.
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1:23:53 Popular
Red Bull Signature Series - Rampage 2012 FULL TV EPISODE 22
Aggiunto 922 Visto / 0 Likes» 2015 was AWESOME. Relive our best moments: Red Bull Rampage - unforgiving, scary, treacherous - and the best event of the year for freeride mountain bikers. From the building to the buildup, check out all the action from the i
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05:39 Popular
The Troy Hartman Jetpack
Aggiunto 921 Visto / 0 LikesThis video documents "Phase 2" testing of the Personal Jetpack, toward the development of the Jet Wing (alternate version to that of Yves Rossy's). Phase 1 testing was previously done on skis, demonstrating fast uphill ascents and reaching a top speed of
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03:29 Popular
10 Snowboard Tricks To Learn First
Aggiunto 920 Visto / 0 LikesMake a Snowboard Trick list and work your way through each trick. video I'm going to give you a list of the first ten tricks to learn on your snowboard. These snowboard tricks are in order and each trick will teach you a snowboarding skill that you'll use
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14:49 Popular
Yves Rossy: Fly With The Jetman
Aggiunto 914 Visto / 0 Likes Strapped to a jet-powered wing, Yves Rossy is the Jetman -- flying free, his body as the rudder, above the Swiss Alps and the Grand Canyon. After a powerful short film shows how it works, Rossy takes the TEDGlobal stage to share the exp
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03:40 Popular
Why Doesn’t Everyone Have A Jetpack Yet?
Aggiunto 913 Visto / 0 LikesZooming around in a jetpack would make for a great commute, but how close are we to creating a jetpack that works? Help support DNews by completing this one-question survey - Can Humans Control Lightning ►►►►
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02:54 Popular
World Snowboarding Championships In Oslo Course Set Up - Evolution Of TTR Freestyle Snowboarding
Aggiunto 912 Visto / 0 Likes The World Snowboarding Championships 2012 is set for Oslo, Norway next February and preparations for the event are already well underway. The World Snowboarding Championships will use the TTR World Rankings as qualificat
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02:39 Popular
2015 Boreal Opening Weekend | TransWorld SNOWboarding
Aggiunto 911 Visto / 0 LikesBoreal Officially Opens for the 2015 Season Boreal officially opens for the 2015 and drops a heater of an edit, especially considering it's the first weekend of the season. The crew was out in full force, including Sammy Spiteri, Ryland West, Brady Lem, A
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09:17 Popular
Sky Dive In Dubai- Best Skydiving Experience
Aggiunto 910 Visto / 0 Likes Compare Dubai's 400 Hotel Rates. The skydiving center is the largest in the Middle East, combining an excellent staff, state-of-the-art equipment, great facilities, an incredible location, superb jumping weather, and the bes
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09:43 Popular
Ricaricato - Paintball - Funny Montage (+ O -) - BV™
Aggiunto 909 Visto / 0 LikesBella a tutti i ragazzi e anche alle ragazze benvenuti in questo video ricaricato per problemi di editing, sperando che questa volta vada bene ! Devo dire che il paintball mi ha davvero catturato come sport estremo, ma vi lascio al video. BUONA VISIONE !
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1:24:27 Popular
Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave (1976) • Martial Arts • Kung Fu • Full Movie
Aggiunto 907 Visto / 0 LikesA lightning bolt strikes the grave of Bruce Lee. Then a kung fu instructor starts a quest to avenge a friend's death, and on the way.. Director: Doo-yong Lee (as Doo Yong Lee) Writers: Chee Do Hong (screenplay), Chong Huang (story), Stars: Jun Chong, Debo
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30:12 Popular
[GTA V] Jetpack Stelen Van De Leger Basis (GTA5)
Aggiunto 907 Visto / 0 LikesLester heeft een intel gekregen over een geheime test van een Jetpack op de legerbasis. Micheal wil deze Jetpack voor zijn voor zijn private military company. Maar zo gemakkelijk gaat dit niet. PC Mods: - Jetpack: