Sport Estremo
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10:39 Popular
Thrive Snowboarding: Back 2 Basics - Ep 1 - First Day On Snow - Part 1
Aggiunto 738 Visto / 0 LikesEpisode 1: First Day On Snow - Part 1 Brent Newell is a surf coach that made the move from the beaches of Costa Rica to the mountains of Lake Tahoe, CA. Given his background as a surfer and skater, you'd expect him to connect with snowboarding right away.
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02:50 Popular
Top 29 Snowboarding Fails & Crashes 2012
Aggiunto 825 Visto / 0 LikesPart 2 of a cringe-worthy collection of snowboarding bails and fails from the world's top pro snowboarders. Getting a part in an Absinthe movie requires pushing the limits of progression and personal comfort zones. In pursuit of that progression there are
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11:00 Popular
The Most Epic Amateur Whistler Snowboarding Video Ever!
Aggiunto 729 Visto / 0 LikesUPDATE: HUGE thanks to the folks at GoPro who shared this as their video of the day on Dec 29, 2012. Snow Pro presents the most epic amateur Whistler snowboarding video ever. Shot entirely on two GoPro 3 Black Editions, a GoPro 2 and an old-school GoPro 1
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25:59 Popular
TAKE IT EASY - A Full Length Snowboarding Movie
Aggiunto 837 Visto / 0 LikesQuiksilver proudly presents a full length snowboard movie featuring Danimals, Johnny Brady, Ian Hart, Teo Konttinen and Zebbe Landmark, with cameos from Travis Rice, Bryan Fox, Will Lavigne, Ulrik Badertscher, Kim Rune Hansen and Jake OE. This crew took t
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01:20 Popular
2015 Dew Tour Streetstyle Video Recap | TransWorld SNOWboarding
Aggiunto 802 Visto / 0 LikesDarcy Sharpe defends his title at the 2015 Dew Tour streestyle contest, earning himself his third first place finish at the event. Check out the full video recap to see what went down. Full Results: 1. Darcy Sharpe 2. Dylan Alito 3. Seth Hill 4. Eric Beau
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04:17 Popular
10 Tips To Improve Intermediate Snowboard Turns - Goofy Version
Aggiunto 793 Visto / 0 LikesTips to ride more aggressively and with more confidence on steep terrain. When I watch someone ride I always start from the bottom and work my way to the top, so I'll give you these snowboard tips in the same order. Good luck using these 10 tips in your i
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02:27 Popular
5 Tips For Snowboarding In Powder
Aggiunto 829 Visto / 0 LikesIn this video I've got 5 tips for snowboarding in powder. I think that powder riding is by far the my favorite thing to do on the mountain. If you've never been snowboarding in powder, I think these tips will give you something to work on and if you have
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03:02 Popular
10 Snowboard Grabs - Snowboarding Trick List
Aggiunto 880 Visto / 0 Likes10 Snowboard grabs you can start adding to your snowboard trick list. I'll go around the snowboard breaking down all the basic grab and a few more technical ones too. Lets start with the tail grab. This is where you reach your back hand to grab the tail o
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20:49 Popular
Backcountry Snowboarding In Nelson And Revelstoke
Aggiunto 700 Visto / 0 Likes2 weeks snowboarding in Nelson and Revelstoke
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02:39 Popular
2015 Boreal Opening Weekend | TransWorld SNOWboarding
Aggiunto 912 Visto / 0 LikesBoreal Officially Opens for the 2015 Season Boreal officially opens for the 2015 and drops a heater of an edit, especially considering it's the first weekend of the season. The crew was out in full force, including Sammy Spiteri, Ryland West, Brady Lem, A
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11:36 Popular
Snowboarding In The Streets!!
Aggiunto 728 Visto / 0 LikesWe had a BLIZZARD and decided to snowboard & sled in the streets! FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM/TWITTER!!! @ItsJustinStuart @AndrewScites Facebook | Main Channel | Send us Mail! Address Below
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13:23 Popular
Snowboarding FAIL!
Aggiunto 751 Visto / 0 Likes► Snowboarding FAIL! • NEW VIDEO • • Previous Day • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Snapchat • • ItsAlfieDeyes ----------------------------------------