Sport Estremo
Video di sport estremi
1:32:15 Popular
Costanza Miriano - Forlì- 22.01.2014
Aggiunto 639 Visto / 0 LikesIncontro pubblico con Costanza Miriano dal titolo: Sposarsi: Uno sport estremo? promosso dal Centro diocesano Tabor - Ufficio Pastorale familiare - Federazione Italiana Scuole Materne
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01:44 Popular
Crave - Jetpack Travel Like You've Never Seen It
Aggiunto 932 Visto / 0 LikesClick here for the Crave article - Two extremely brave men take to the skies over Dubai to show off their jetpack skills in this heart-pounding video.
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03:56 Popular
Aggiunto 769 Visto / 0 LikesSome of the best snowboarders & best snowboarding tricks all in one video! These clips are a combination of the best snowboarding tricks that I have seen. Some of these tricks changed snowboarding forever. They are amazing in every single way and should b
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27:01 Popular
Crazy Vertical Jigging Action; How To Vertical Jig
Aggiunto 647 Visto / 0 Likes - Florida Sport Fishing TV S05/Ep05: - Hop aboard with Captain Mike and the Florida Sport Fishing crew as the team heads down to Miami for a day of vertical jigging. Lots of action with lots of information you don'
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06:07 Popular
Creative Snowboarding
Aggiunto 679 Visto / 0 LikesBest Day Ever 23 First day of shred... Jumping in trees, sliding doubles, and remembering how to snowboard again! My favorite part about riding is just getting creative on a snowboard, even when we don't have perfect Utah snow and back country riding, alw
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07:47 Popular
CUBE WORLD - Pet,Deltaplano, Imbarcazione, Cavalcare
Aggiunto 691 Visto / 0 LikesCiao ragazzi volevo mostrarvi quante cose divertenti ci sono in Cube World veramente strepitoso, spero lo troviate di vostro gradimento a presto Mujaidin.
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04:23 Popular
Cube World-come Usare Il Deltaplano
Aggiunto 708 Visto / 0 Likesragazzi vi informo che quando arriverò a 100 iscritti,inizieranno serie,gameplay(più di ora),serie in cui sceglierò uno di voi e mi conoscerà....più salirò di iscritti più ci saranno sorprese..GRAZIE CMQ PER I 90 ISCRITTI skipe: alecola20 facebook page: h
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03:04 Popular
Daniele Leoni - Deltaplano Official Videoclip
Aggiunto 667 Visto / 0 LikesSubscribe HERE: Deltaplano is the track 5 from album "Piccoli Segreti". The album has been published in 2015 on september 1st If you like this video, please LIKE, COMMENT, FAV and SUBSCRIBE --- Credits --- Produced
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10:52 Popular
DC Freestyle Snowboard Team
Aggiunto 838 Visto / 0 LikesTobias Frøystad, Torstein Horgmo, Mats Hofgaard, Mikkel Bentzon, Sondre Tiller and Håkon Tønnessen in Dc's snowboard movie IT song list: 01.Empyre One- Moonlight Shadow (Original Radio Edit) 02.Vinter In Hollywood - Spaceship 03.JasonDeanBeats - Smash fea
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09:53 Popular
Ddownhill - Downhill Red Bull Rampage - Downhill Gopro [extreme Sports 2015]
Aggiunto 863 Visto / 0 LikesDdownhill - Downhill Red Bull Rampage - Downhill Gopro [extreme sports 2015] mountain bike,mtb,mountain bikes,downhill,downhill bike,specialized bikes,mongoose bikes,mountainbikes,downhill mountain bike,full suspension mountain bike,downhill bikes,red bul
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00:50 Popular
Decollo Deltaplano Al Traino, Aviosuperficie Filo Di Argenta
Aggiunto 703 Visto / 0 LikesUn incontro casuale fatto a Filo di Argenta, dove ero arrivato con il P92. Mi ha ricordato Otto Lilienthal! Può essere interessante sapere che il pilota del deltaplano trainato ha 82 anni! Complimenti!