Sport Estremo
Video di sport estremi
04:45 Popular
In Volo Con Il Deltaplano A Pisogne - Lago D'Iseo
Aggiunto 822 Visto / 0 LikesDomenica 2 marzo 2008, in volo sul lago d'Iseo con il mio deltaplano
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07:45 Popular
Park Sessions: Carinthia, Mount Snow, Vermont | TransWorld SNOWboarding
Aggiunto 820 Visto / 0 LikesRiders: Alex Rodway, Nick Julius, Jack Dawe, Levi Gunzberg, Max Lyons, Brendan Rego, and Parker Szumoski It’s not easy building parks on the East Coast. West Coast parks have the pleasure of working with softer snow—crews can think of an idea and make it
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05:21 Popular
Paolo Lancio Con Il Paracadute - Fano
Aggiunto 819 Visto / 0 LikesFano - Lancio con il paracadute, in tandem! FANTASTICO!!
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01:01 Popular
Bruce Lee Real Fight !!! Super Fast PUNCH And KICK !!!!
Aggiunto 817 Visto / 0 LikesThe challenger no match to BRUCE LEE !!!!And about the kick,a kick like that right to ur head and espeacially it's so fast that you wouldn't even have a chance to block, the challenger have white cloth in he knees !! In 1958, Bruce Lee beat 3x British Cha
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07:33 Popular
Volo In Deltaplano Sul Lago Di Garda. Hang Gliding On Garda Lake - 001b
Aggiunto 817 Visto / 0 LikesVolo in deltaplano sul lago di Garda. Hang gliding, flying on Garda Lake.
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01:35 Popular
Mosconi In Deltaplano
Aggiunto 817 Visto / 0 LikesOrso e Mosconi ora vanno col deltaplano
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04:20 Popular
Chile Snowboard Freestyle And Freeride
Aggiunto 815 Visto / 0 LikesManuel Diaz, Sebastian Camus, and Martin Parada show you what its like to snowboard the Chilean Andes. This clip is originally from the movie Funner Filete: From Baker to Chile. Music By: Professor Kliq Song: "Elephantitis" Album: Gun
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03:25 Popular
Un Nuovo Tipo Di Sport Estremo
Aggiunto 815 Visto / 0 LikesNuovo magnifica, bella e pericolosa sport!
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00:48 Popular
Aggiunto 814 Visto / 0 Likesecco come passare una giornata alternativa cn, un carrello, un motore e sopratutto gli amici...tnx ragaa;)
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11:47 Popular
Aggiunto 814 Visto / 0 LikesSpero che i video su GTA V vi piacciano,se è cosi supportatemi con tanti pollicioni e magari proponetemi qualche epic video da farci su♥ ►Crediti quasi regalati qui: (usa "Artickz" per 5% di sconto) ►Canale Clash o