
Sport Estremo

Video di sport estremi

  • 05:46 Popular FAMIGLIA TROLLATA - Reazione Al Video In Deltaplano

    FAMIGLIA TROLLATA - Reazione Al Video In Deltaplano

    da Pluto Aggiunto 653 Visto / 0 Likes

    Quando mi sono lanciato con il deltaplano non ho detto niente ai miei genitori, solo una volta tornato a casa ho fatto vedere loro il video del volo. L'avranno presa bene? Beccatevi la reazione. Pagina Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TylerStrikes/ Inst

  • 11:57 Popular Far Cry 3 - 007 - DeltaPlano Del Cazzo...

    Far Cry 3 - 007 - DeltaPlano Del Cazzo...

    da Pluto Aggiunto 633 Visto / 0 Likes

  • 01:51 Popular Far Cry 3 - Deltaplano Gameplay - DirectX 11 - Radeon HD 7970

    Far Cry 3 - Deltaplano Gameplay - DirectX 11 - Radeon HD 7970

    da Pluto Aggiunto 638 Visto / 0 Likes

    Gameplay video on Deltaplano with Radeon HD 7970 - DirectX 11 and details ULTRA.

  • 04:29 Popular Far Cry 4 - Tutta La Mappa In Deltaplano!

    Far Cry 4 - Tutta La Mappa In Deltaplano!

    da Pluto Aggiunto 640 Visto / 0 Likes

    Salve a tutti! In questo video, grazie alla segnalazione di un utente, posso farvi vedere come attraversare tutta la mappa in deltaplano su Far Cry 4! Vi basterà prendere un deltaplano nel punto indicato nella mappa, e potrete andare praticamente ovunque!

  • 01:56 Popular Fedel....estremo


    da Pluto Aggiunto 697 Visto / 0 Likes

    fedel fa sport estremo a portovenere

  • 04:03 Popular Fight Scene - Bruce Lee -The Big Boss- Ice Factory Fight

    Fight Scene - Bruce Lee -The Big Boss- Ice Factory Fight

    da Pluto Aggiunto 965 Visto / 0 Likes

    Fight scene of Cheng Chao-an (Bruce Lee) towards end..... one of the great Bruce Lee fights..... from movie The big boss also known as Fists of fury in western world.

  • 03:04 Popular First Step To Carving On A Snowboard

    First Step To Carving On A Snowboard

    da Pluto Aggiunto 674 Visto / 0 Likes

    In this video learn the first step on how to carve snowboarding. The goal of carving is to ride on your snowboard edge so you leave a clean line in the snow behind you. The best way to start practicing carving is to ride across the slope on your snowboard



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    Subscribe for new vlogs Monday-Friday! - http://bit.ly/subtymoss Buy Shirts, Hoodies and Bracelets!! - http://NoSleepTeam.com YouTube Channels: ➠ TY: http://youtube.com/tysiphonehelp ➠ GRAY: http://youtube.com/pirategray ⟶ Ty Moss ⟵ ‣Twitter: http://twitt

  • 02:09 Popular First World Barelling Contest - Le Parti Di Ricambio

    First World Barelling Contest - Le Parti Di Ricambio

    da Pluto Aggiunto 644 Visto / 0 Likes

    Barelling, un nuovo sport estremo che vede come mezzi di utilizzo la carriola e la fantasia dell'essere umano. Vieni con noi e sfoga tutto il tuo stile Sabato 08 Agosto, ore 16.30, Località Plaze, Croviana (Tn), si svolgerà il primo contest mondiale di Ba

  • 1:41:35 Popular Fists Of Fury | Full Movie | Bruce Lee, Maria Yi

    Fists Of Fury | Full Movie | Bruce Lee, Maria Yi

    da Pluto Aggiunto 725 Visto / 0 Likes

    Chein is a city boy who moves with his cousins to work at a ice factory. He does this with a family promise never to get involved in any fight. However, when members of his family begin disappearing after meeting the management of the factor, the resultin

  • 02:29 Popular Flatland Trick Combos (The Onyx) - Freestyle Snowboard Jibbing Lesson Tutorial

    Flatland Trick Combos (The Onyx) - Freestyle Snowboard Jibbing Lesson Tutorial

    da Pluto Aggiunto 752 Visto / 0 Likes

    http://onyxsnowboarding.com We're back with another snowboard trick tip to help you guys have move fun on the snow, this is our favourite jib/flatland combo... 'The Onyx'. It's not that we created it, just the real name for this combo is pretty long (FS n

  • 03:17 Popular Flyboard - Coolest Water Jet Pack EVER!!!

    Flyboard - Coolest Water Jet Pack EVER!!!

    da Pluto Aggiunto 1,075 Visto / 0 Likes

    Check out how to get a Flyboard in the link below! Rocky Mountain Flyboard: http://RockyMountainFlyBoard.com These guys are based in Utah and you can rent and buy Flyboards from them! These guys down below were the main athletes in the video. They give le
