Sport Estremo
Video di sport estremi
04:06 Popular
Flying Jetpack Man With Airbus A380
Aggiunto 848 Visto / 0 LikesFlying Jetpack Man with Airbus A380 So far, we saw ex-fighter pilot Yves Rossy — a.k.a. Jetman — fly his jet-propelled wing in formation with another pilot, and we saw him whizz around Dubai's Burj Khalifa in glorious 4K resolution. His latest stunt, howe
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03:45 Popular
Flying Over Deltaplano Su Rio De Janeiro Con World Trips
Aggiunto 739 Visto / 0 LikesIn volo sulla magica città di Rio de Janeiro. Dalla Pedra Bonita ci si lancia in deltaplano, come nel mio caso, o parapendio per atterrare sulla spiaggia di San Conrado. Un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile... A cura di LUCA VITIELLO per WORLDTRIPSLUCA.C
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38:04 Popular
Forever - Full Movie - Forum Snowboards [HD]
Aggiunto 1,045 Visto / 0 LikesForum Snowboards is proud to present Forever, its sixth team-inspired snowboarding film starring Peter Line, Joni Malmi, Eddie Wall, Jake Blauvelt, Pat Moore, John Jackson, Stevie Bell, Jake Welch, Nic Sauve, and up-and-comers Daniel Ek and Niko Cioffi. W
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08:48 Popular
Freefly 2007 - (paracadutismo Paracadute Estremo)
Aggiunto 751 Visto / 0 LikesDicembre 2007 Cinquale - Marina di Massa - Lanci freefly - - INFO: 338 1070897
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02:12 Popular
Freeskiing Contest In France - Red Bull Linecatcher 2013
Aggiunto 1,452 Visto / 0 LikesThe Frenchman Sam Favret has won the exceptional 5th Red Bull Linecatcher in front of the American Parker White and Nicolas Vuignier from Switzerland. The 2013 vintage Red Bull Linecatcher kept all its promises producing a competition of high caliber on t
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01:02 Popular
Freestyle Snowboarding Contest - Red Bull Powder Escape 2013
Aggiunto 946 Visto / 0 Likes» 2015 was AWESOME. Relive our best moments: Need more snow shredding? 90 snowboarders will compete in a freestyle snowboarding race in the hopes of becoming one of three lucky winners for the ultimate snow
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02:29 Popular
Frontside 180 To Switch Tail Press Flatland Trick - Freestyle Snowboard Lesson Tutorial
Aggiunto 754 Visto / 0 Likes We're back with another snowboard trick tip to help you guys have move fun on the snow with a really easy jib combo, frontside 180 to switch tail press! This trick is really fun on its own plus it also forms the basis for hard
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11:35 Popular
Functional Training For KRAV MAGA
Aggiunto 782 Visto / 0 LikesAllenamento Funzionale per il Krav Maga. Il Master Trainer WTA Emilio Troiano con la preziosa collaborazione del Docente Nazionale Federazione Krav Maga Italia Niki Del Torre, mostra le applicazioni del Functional Training alle tecniche specifiche del più
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02:58 Popular
Gatto In Deltaplano
Aggiunto 650 Visto / 0 LikesQuesto povero gatto si sveglia sulle ali di un deltaplano a motore in quotaPiù video su
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28:39 Popular
Go Boardin Full Movie - TransWorld SNOWboarding
Aggiunto 953 Visto / 0 LikesThis movie will make you want to drop everything and go snowboarding. Too bad it's only August... You’ve watched the webisodes, and now it’s time for the full Go Boardin! movie. Join Lucas Debari, Blake Paul, Kael Martin, and Alex Yoder as they travel the
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07:58 Popular
Good Wood Snowboard Test 2014-2015 | TransWorld SNOWboarding
Aggiunto 794 Visto / 0 LikesThe 16th Annual Good Wood Snowboard Test results and reviews are out now in the new 2015 Gear Guide. 36 of the best Snowboards for the 2014-2015 season have been awarded Good Wood. This year the test was held in Winter Park, Colorado with 18 testers and o
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01:54 Popular
GoPro Hang Gliding (Deltaplano) Gemvsgem
Aggiunto 797 Visto / 0 LikesGoPro camera - Extreme Sport - flying in the sky with hang glider (Deltaplano) in a landscape surrounded by nature, I created this video editing a creative commons video in the youtube video editor tool here you can find the original video