Sport Estremo
Video di sport estremi
02:08 Popular
Aggiunto 776 Visto / 0 LikesObiettivo: volo libero!! - - - - Non possiedo il copyright della canzone: Galantis, Peanut Butter Jelly
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04:36 Popular
The Manboys Part III: Car Tank | TransWorld SNOWboarding
Aggiunto 776 Visto / 0 LikesThe Manboys Part III: Car Tank The Manboys like to drive back and forth to Alaska whenever possible. They go to a place that's already blown up, but they hope it doesn't blow up any further, because then it'll get a university and smart kids will start ha
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00:25 Popular
Paracadutismo Estremo
Aggiunto 776 Visto / 0 LikesPer questo e altri video:
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04:03 Popular
KRAV MAGA TRAINING • How To Escape The Rear Naked Choke
Aggiunto 775 Visto / 0 LikesKrav Maga video. How to escape the Rear Naked Choke (RNC, Mata Leao). Rear Naked Choke counter, grappling wrestling • Krav Maga technique. Krav maga choke escaping. Classic brazilian jiu jitsu submission and mma (mixed martial arts) technique. Starring: L
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03:07 Popular
Deltaplano A Bologna Gopro Hero 3+ Black
Aggiunto 775 Visto / 0 LikesUn bel giro su un deltaplano nelle colline bolognesi con la mia compagna di viaggi.
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03:01 Popular
Volo In Deltaplano - 18 Ottobre 2015 - Montecucco Sud - Ugo
Aggiunto 774 Visto / 0 LikesVolo in Deltaplano - 18 ottobre 2015 - Montecucco sud - Ugo
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03:07 Popular
Scuola Di Parapendio E Deltaplano UNION ROMA
Aggiunto 774 Visto / 0 LikesVideointervista a Marco Rech, presidente dell'associazione delle scuole e degli istruttori di volo (S.I.V.A.) che svolge attività didattica a Roma dal 1985 con la sua scuola di volo "Union"
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09:59 Popular
Burton Presents 2016 – Mikkel Bang And Mikey Rencz (snowboarding)
Aggiunto 774 Visto / 0 LikesBurton Presents is a web series showcasing Burton's top riders. This installment features Mikkel Bang and Mikey Rencz - two names that run deep in Burton's history and evoke thoughts of untouchable style. Mikkel brings absolute control and fundamental for
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03:25 Popular
GoPro | Freestyle Academy Stuttgart Freerunning & Snowboarding Training | Moci
Aggiunto 774 Visto / 0 LikesHad a fun day at the Freestyle Academy Stuttgart. Check out this video with my first backflip on a snowboard, some double flips and triple flips on the trampoline and a bit of fun skateboarding. Tell me what you think about this video. Make sure to subscr
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1:24:17 Popular
Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave
Aggiunto 774 Visto / 0 LikesStarring, Bruce K. L. Lea. No copyright infringement intented.
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10:16 Popular
I Momenti Più Folli Dello Sport Estremo
Aggiunto 773 Visto / 0 LikesI momenti più folli dello sport estremo