Sport Estremo
Video di sport estremi
02:05 Popular
JetPack Aviation JB-9 JETPACK
Aggiunto 971 Visto / 0 LikesJetPack Aviation introduces the JB-9 JETPACK - The world's only true JetPack. Exclusive footage of the first untethered JetPack JB-9 flights. Website: Facebook: Twitter: https://twitter.
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02:03 Popular
JetPack Aviation JB-9 JETPACK (GoPros Only Techno)
Aggiunto 962 Visto / 0 LikesExclusive footage of the first untethered JetPack JB-9 flights filmed 100% with GoPro HERO cameras. Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: https://ins
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08:37 Popular
Jetpack Rocket Science
Aggiunto 897 Visto / 0 LikesCheck out 2Veritasium! MinutePhysics has a great video on Milkman, vomiting levitator: Jetpacking was awesome fun! Despite the fat lip I had a great time. I think knowing a bit about physics actually helps fly
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11:06 Popular
Jussi Oksanen And Mikey Rencz Full Part – Burton Presents
Aggiunto 860 Visto / 0 LikesBurton Presents showcases snowboarding through the eyes of Burton’s team riders. This segment features Mikey Rencz and Jussi Oksanen – two mavericks at the forefront of backcountry freestyle riding. Both are renowned for their proficiency on cheese wedges
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01:25 Popular
Just Cause 2 Paracadutismo Estremo
Aggiunto 804 Visto / 0 LikesFilmato di Just Cause 2, catturato dal giocatore.
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09:16 Popular
Aggiunto 1,304 Visto / 0 LikesGet your redbull, monster energy ken block hats t-shirts here
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09:09 Popular
Kids Dance Battle | Monster Energy Arena | #WODBAY @dancersglobal
Aggiunto 3,685 Visto / 0 LikesKids battle it out for prizes in the Monster Energy all styles arena. World of Dance, bay area 2013. This is the next generation of dancers, so show them some love! Filmed by Gabriel Thomas (Dancersglobal) http://www.twitter.c
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03:08 Popular
Kitesurf Estremo #
Aggiunto 708 Visto / 0 LikesKitesurf estremo, uno sport estremo ciao a tutti mi raccomamdo iscrivetevi e al prossimo video
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03:41 Popular
Aggiunto 670 Visto / 0 Likes사단법인 대한크라브마가협회 KKM KKM Military Instructor 인 특수전사령부 심사관들을 소개합니다. 항상 교육훈련을 지원해 주시는 전인범 사령관님과 제1공수특전여단장님 그리고 특전사 선후배전우님 감사합니다. Introduces~ KKM Military Instructor of R.O.K. SPECIAL WARFARE COMMAND Special thanks to General Chun ☆STAFF MASTER INSTRUCTOR ----
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1:06:55 Popular
Krav Maga - Training (part - 1) Israeli Super Secret Workout
Aggiunto 765 Visto / 0 LikesТолько драки, только хардкор, только на этом канале фильм - крав мага тренировки часть 1 ------------------------------- Only fighting only hardcore on this channel film - Krav Maga training (yellow part 1) p.s. Splinter Cell using krav maga too
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10:01 Popular
Krav Maga Combat Training Techniques
Aggiunto 807 Visto / 0 LikesThis is the full length sneak peek promo video for the Ultimate Krav Maga DVDs which use the latest in camera and editing technology to bring Krav Maga instruction to a whole new level. Do you want to learn more about Krav Maga and find training? Go to: h
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38:33 Popular
Krav Maga Costa Rica - DVD Técnicas Básicas
Aggiunto 693 Visto / 0 LikesKrav Maga Training Institute - Técnicas Básicas Vol. 1 Técnicas básicas y modernas de defensa personal. DVD de instrucción intensivo con las descripciones de las técnicas así como ejemplos gráficos de su ejecución práctica. En este primer volumen encontra