Sport Estremo
Video di sport estremi
00:16 Popular
Sport Estremo Tubbing Camere D'aria Pescasseroli 2
Aggiunto 720 Visto / 0 Likessport estremo pericolosissimo tipo bob estivo con gommoncini per bambini urlanti
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00:39 Popular
Sport Estremo Discesa Con Carrello Pe Dragoncello!!!
Aggiunto 719 Visto / 0 Likesio ginans toma angelo e sandro giu pe la discesa in 5 sul carrello a dragoncello!!!
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00:31 Popular
3-Sci Estremo, Salti, Spettacolari Acrobazie
Aggiunto 719 Visto / 0 Likes3-Sci Estremo, Salti, spettacolari acrobazie, gara, corsa, competizioni, giravolte, capovolte, sport, sport estremo, emozionante, spericolate, neve, sci, snowboard, montagna, slittino - Extreme skiing, jumps, spectacular stunts, race, racing, racing, turn
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01:05 Popular
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03:19 Popular
Chuck Norris: Bruce Lee Wanted To Do More Than Just Beat Me
Aggiunto 718 Visto / 0 LikesThe one and only Chuck Norris opens up to about his favorite fighting techniques and working with the great Bruce Lee.
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03:54 Popular
I AM ELITE KRAV MAGA - Street Attacks
Aggiunto 718 Visto / 0 LikesKrav Maga is a self-defense system that anyone can use, regardless of size, strength, gender, or fitness level. Krav Maga techniques are simple and effective, building on your body's natural instincts and reflexes to defend against any type of assault or
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08:02 Popular
Ski Vs. Snowboard
Aggiunto 718 Visto / 0 LikesA video I put together showing freestyle skiing and freestyle snowboarding. The two athletes are Simon Dumont for skiing(slumdog illionaire) and Lucas Magoon for snowboarding(an edit by bkkowta). I myself am personally a snowboarder, but as you can see wi
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02:15 Popular
Snowboarding The World's Longest Rail - 84m World Record!
Aggiunto 717 Visto / 0 Likes» 2015 was AWESOME. Relive our best moments: Basti Rittig cemented his name in snowboard history by setting a new world record for the longest rail slide ever completed. The rail was custom built, over a meter high, a single rou
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13:11 Popular
Bruce Lee Vs Dan Inosanto
Aggiunto 716 Visto / 0 LikesPolish:Kultowa walka z filmu "The Big Boss" Bruce Lee kontra Dan Inosanto English:The cult fight from the movie "The Big Boss" Bruce Lee vs Dan Inosanto Chinese:從電影“唐山大兄”李小龍與丹Inosanto邪教鬥爭 Trochę o filmie :Młody Cheng (Bruce Lee) przyjeżdża z prowincji do
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03:18 Popular
Bruce Lee Kung Fu Fighting
Aggiunto 716 Visto / 0 Likesbruce lee kicking the crap out of some funky china men. i do not own the rights to any music or footage that may be seen in this video. the movie is called enter the dragon, starring bruce lee.
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01:46 Popular
Jetball Zorb Estremo Grappa 21 Marzo 2009
Aggiunto 715 Visto / 0 LikesRotoliamo sulla neve giu` da un pendio con il jetball, una palla trasparente di tre metri di diametro con una camera d'aria di un metro, no zorb, in Monte Grappa vicino a Bassano del Grappa. Nuova esperienza estrema, sport estremo, paragonabile al paracad