
Sport Estremo

Video di sport estremi

  • 03:18 Popular This Is What A REAL KRAV MAGA MASTER Looks Like!

    This Is What A REAL KRAV MAGA MASTER Looks Like!

    da Pluto Aggiunto 686 Visto / 0 Likes

    IDF Training - The home of authentic Krav Maga in Melbourne Australia Not sure if you've heard yet, but it's pretty damn exciting to announce that we've managed to lock in one of the toughest trainers in the world, Lior Offenbach, to come and work with us

  • 06:00 Popular KRAV MAGA TRAINING • How To Knock Out EVERYONE


    da Pluto Aggiunto 685 Visto / 0 Likes

    Krav maga fighting technique. How to Knock Out someone Taller, Bigger and Stronger than you. How to win a fight against someone stronger than you. KO End in seconds. The krav maga master teach you how to fight. Combattimento - lucha, combate. Starring: Lu

  • 06:37 Popular Nuova Jeep Cherokee Innovazione E Liberta

    Nuova Jeep Cherokee Innovazione E Liberta

    da Pluto Aggiunto 685 Visto / 0 Likes

    Super Cars e Motor Racing : Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche e tutte le migliori Auto da pista e da fuoristrada. Offroad 4x4 e drift on the track....adrenalina pura ! Sport Estremi - Extreme Sports - Outdoor, Mountain Bike, Trekking Alpinismo, Neve dove scia

  • 04:43 Popular Volo In Deltaplano Paolo Laporta

    Volo In Deltaplano Paolo Laporta

    da Pluto Aggiunto 683 Visto / 0 Likes

    Capaccio (SA) 19/7/2015

  • 04:43 Popular The Challenges Of Competitive Freeride Snowboarding - Road To Xtreme Verbier - Part 2

    The Challenges Of Competitive Freeride Snowboarding - Road To Xtreme Verbier - Part 2

    da Pluto Aggiunto 682 Visto / 0 Likes

    » 2015 was AWESOME. Relive our best moments: http://win.gs/YearInReview CLICK to watch part 1: http://win.gs/1MWwfqG "Every time I see the Bec des Rosses, near or far, I ask myself, ‘Oh God, do we really go down there?" sates Xavier de Le Rue. With just d

  • 01:31 Popular Sci Estremo, Salti, Spettacolari Acrobazie, Gara, Corsa, Competizioni

    Sci Estremo, Salti, Spettacolari Acrobazie, Gara, Corsa, Competizioni

    da Pluto Aggiunto 682 Visto / 0 Likes

    Sci Estremo, Salti, spettacolari acrobazie, gara, corsa, competizioni, giravolte, capovolte, sport, sport estremo, emozionante, spericolate, neve, sci, snowboard, montagna, slittino - Extreme skiing, jumps, spectacular stunts, race, racing, racing, turns,

  • 19:22 Popular The Forest ITA Ep.8 - ZATTERA DA SURF!

    The Forest ITA Ep.8 - ZATTERA DA SURF!

    da Pluto Aggiunto 681 Visto / 0 Likes

    Surf in mezzo agli squali, nuovo sport estremo! Compralo QUI - http://store.steampowered.com/app/242760/ iscriviti al canale! ► http://bit.ly/joingabby Per novità seguimi su Facebook! ► http://bit.ly/gabbyfb oppure Twitter! ► https://twitter.com/Gabby16bi

  • 00:55 Popular Monte Farno Partenza Deltaplano

    Monte Farno Partenza Deltaplano

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    Partenza Deltaplano Monte Farno

  • 00:45 Popular Paracadutismo Estremo-montaggio Video Danilo Adamo

    Paracadutismo Estremo-montaggio Video Danilo Adamo

    da Pluto Aggiunto 680 Visto / 0 Likes

    I miei montaggi video!! Il mio amico durante un esecitazione di volo libero:)

  • 03:48 Popular Best Of Snowboard 2015【HD】

    Best Of Snowboard 2015【HD】

    da Pluto Aggiunto 679 Visto / 0 Likes

    Hope you like the video! The first evidence of snowboarding dates back as early as the 1910s, when people would tie plywood or wooden planks from logs to their feet using fishing string and horse reins in order to steer themselves down hills. Modern snowb

  • 02:30 Popular Volo In Deltaplano Al Campo Scuola

    Volo In Deltaplano Al Campo Scuola

    da Pluto Aggiunto 678 Visto / 0 Likes

    Decollo della collina al Garda Bigsur, scuola e parco di volo libero, con Ignazio Bernardi e gli Uccelli Pelosi. Sabato 18 Ottobre 2014 vicino a Gardone Riviera (BS). www.bigsurskypark.com www.facebook.com/groups/gardabigsur/ www.facebook.com/bigsurskypar

  • 06:07 Popular Creative Snowboarding

    Creative Snowboarding

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    Best Day Ever 23 First day of shred... Jumping in trees, sliding doubles, and remembering how to snowboard again! My favorite part about riding is just getting creative on a snowboard, even when we don't have perfect Utah snow and back country riding, alw
