Sport Estremo
Video di sport estremi
10:37 Popular
GoPro: Let Me Take You To The Mountain
Aggiunto 678 Visto / 0 LikesThe third of the HERO3+ Adventure Series Travis Rice, John Jackson, Chris Davenport, and Lynsey Dyer set forth on a journey to the Andes Mountains in a quest to find their perfect line. Shot 100% on the HD HERO3+® camera from Music Odes
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06:00 Popular
The Ultimate Snowboarding Setup
Aggiunto 677 Visto / 0 LikesBest Day Ever 32 I explain my snowboard setup, the difference between camber and reverse camber, talk about getting DWR coated outerwear and what the 5k, 10k, 15k rating means... basically i talk a lot then we go and shred the first POW day of the year. J
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07:24 Popular
Ceriale 14 Luglio 2012
Aggiunto 676 Visto / 0 Likesvento e sport estremo sul mare di Ceriale (Liguria)
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02:00 Popular
Sport Estremo E Panni Stesi, A Napoli Si Sfidano Gli Slackliners Più Forti Del Mondo
Aggiunto 675 Visto / 0 LikesUn noto marchio di bevande gasate ha organizzato per la prima volta a Napoli (oggi 15 giugno 2013), in via santa lucia, una gara di slacklining: nove giovani funamboli, tutti di nazionalità diversa, hanno camminato su nastri sospesi tra i palazzi all'ombr
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05:35 Popular
The 360 Snowboarding Project
Aggiunto 675 Visto / 0 LikesA day on Whistler mountain snowboarding and filming with the Theta S 360 video camera. Scroll around the screen or turn your smart phone to get every angle of the 360 snowboarding video. The day started by doing my first runs down to Red chair on Whistler
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11:33 Popular
Urban Snowboarding In Iceland - Cooking With Gas - Season 3 Ep 3
Aggiunto 674 Visto / 0 Likes» 2015 was AWESOME. Relive our best moments: Check out more street snowboarding: Eero Ettala and his Cooking With Gas crew are joined by Gulli Gudmundsson, Eiki Helgason and Peetu Piroiinen as they head nort
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01:09 Popular
Sport Estremo In Sicurezza? Nuova Moda Italiana
Aggiunto 674 Visto / 0 LikesSiete amanti del brivido (a parole) ma fifoni (nei fatti): ecco la nuova disciplina pensata per voi.
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05:26 Popular
Aggiunto 674 Visto / 0 LikesINCREDIBILE!! ragazzi russi scalano la SHANGHAI TOWER(650M) SITO UFFICIALE DEI RAGAZZI NEL VIDEO- original- Canale-on the roofs To Contacts the guys in the video:
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07:16 Popular
KRAV MAGA TRAINING • How To Punch A Face W/o Breaking Your Hand
Aggiunto 674 Visto / 0 LikesKrav maga Bareknuckle punches. How to punch bare knuckle. How to punch the face bareknuckle. How to strike the head in a street fight. KO knockout. Starring: Luca Arietti & Luca Goffi Difesa personale (autodifesa) e lotta da strada. Tecniche di combattime
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03:59 Popular
This Is KRAV MAGA (Best Of) 1 Of 2
Aggiunto 673 Visto / 0 LikesKrav Maga (hebr. קרב מגע „Kontaktkampf") ist ein israelisches, modernes, eklektisches Selbstverteidigungssystem, das Schlag- und Tritttechniken präferiert, aber auch Grifftechniken, Hebel und Bodenkampf beinhaltet.
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00:16 Popular
Aggiunto 673 Visto / 0 Likesultimo video della trilogia del mitico brage mascherato sempre + cattivo che scorazza veloce tra la sabbia e i sassi