Sport Estremo
Video di sport estremi
08:48 Popular
Winter X Games Slopestyle Compilation Men
Aggiunto 664 Visto / 0 LikesWaiting for Winter X Games 2013 Slopestyle Men - 2012-2011 Big Air Various Slopestyle Real Snow Superpipe Alex Schlopy Bobby Brown Sage Kostenburg Scotty Lago Sebastien Toutant Shaun White Torstein Horgmo Horgmo's Top Runs Mark McMorris Kai Mahler Torstei
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03:14 Popular
Voli Tandem In Deltaplano - Hang Gliding Tandem Flight
Aggiunto 663 Visto / 0 LikesPer chi vuol provare l'esperienza di volare in deltaplano sul Lago di Garda. For those who want to try the experience of flying a hang glider over Lake Garda- Italy
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02:37 Popular
Red Bull Ti Mette Le Aaaaaaaaaaaali !!! :D
Aggiunto 663 Visto / 0 LikesMarzio Punk Skydiver salta con latta di benzina pura RED BULL!
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05:37 Popular
Top 10 Bruce Lee Inspired Characters - Fighting Games - Anime
Aggiunto 662 Visto / 0 LikesThe FightersDen's Best Bruce Lee inspired fighting game/ anime characters. 10: Jacky Bryant - Virtua Fighter 9: Maxi - Soul Calibur 8: Kim Dragon - World Heroes 7: Jann Lee - Dead or Alive 6: Rock lee- 5 Might Guy - Naruto 4. Kenshiro - Fist of The North
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02:15 Popular
AVIpS: Andrea Daprai Promuove La Donazione Di Sangue
Aggiunto 661 Visto / 0 LikesAndrea Daprai è sinonimo di sport estremo. Ma ha reinvintato questo sport con una sorta di "Triathlon dell'estremo". Dislivello complessivo di 5.400 metri. IL tutto in meno di una giornata, in meno di 23 ore. E quando si parla di spot estremi si parla di
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08:57 Popular
Parapendio O Deltaplano...questo é Il Dilemma !
Aggiunto 660 Visto / 0 LikesCi si diverte con tutti e due e l'importante é quello !!
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07:15 Popular
Técnicas Defensa Personal Krav Maga. Introducción Al Cuerpo A Cuerpo.
Aggiunto 660 Visto / 0 LikesVídeos Exclusivos en: En este vídeo Iñaki nos explica la importancia del cuerpo a cuerpo en la defensa personal, nos da consejos y claves sobre la materia, y termina mostrando un par de técnicas. Suscribete al Canal para
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04:01 Popular
Krav Maga Motivation • PAIN IS TEMPORARY
Aggiunto 659 Visto / 0 LikesKrav Maga Motivation • PAIN IS TEMPORARY • 2015 HD video Krav Maga fighting techniques. Krav Maga motivational video: real training, real techniques, real workout, training, full contact, sweat and pain. Demonstration of crazy skill by the best KMT master
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02:18 Popular
Bruce Lee - The Father Of MMA (re-upload)
Aggiunto 659 Visto / 0 LikesThe Founder of Jeet Kune Do The notion of cross-training in Jeet Kune Do is similar to the practice of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in modern times — Bruce Lee has been considered by UFC president Dana White as the "father of mixed martial arts".Many consider
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12:42 Popular
Bad Sportsmanship, Good Krav Maga
Aggiunto 657 Visto / 0 Likes Bad Sportsmanship in the ring and cage is effective self-defense. Fouls have no place in sport combat, but judge the effectiveness of the techniques for yourself. Bad sportsmanship is good Krav Maga!