Sport Estremo
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05:30 Popular
The World's Best Parkour And Freerunning
Aggiunto 744 Visto / 0 LikesCLICK HERE FOR A NEW PARKOUR VIDEO: ▼Follow Us Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: http://www.reddit
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03:59 Popular
This Is KRAV MAGA (Best Of) 1 Of 2
Aggiunto 672 Visto / 0 LikesKrav Maga (hebr. קרב מגע „Kontaktkampf") ist ein israelisches, modernes, eklektisches Selbstverteidigungssystem, das Schlag- und Tritttechniken präferiert, aber auch Grifftechniken, Hebel und Bodenkampf beinhaltet.
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04:11 Popular
This Is KRAV MAGA (Best Of) 2 Of 2
Aggiunto 650 Visto / 0 LikesKrav Maga (hebr. קרב מגע „Kontaktkampf“) ist ein israelisches, modernes, eklektisches Selbstverteidigungssystem, das bevorzugt Schlag- und Tritttechniken nutzt, aber auch Grifftechniken, Hebel und Bodenkampf beinhaltet.
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03:18 Popular
This Is What A REAL KRAV MAGA MASTER Looks Like!
Aggiunto 685 Visto / 0 LikesIDF Training - The home of authentic Krav Maga in Melbourne Australia Not sure if you've heard yet, but it's pretty damn exciting to announce that we've managed to lock in one of the toughest trainers in the world, Lior Offenbach, to come and work with us
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10:39 Popular
Thrive Snowboarding: Back 2 Basics - Ep 1 - First Day On Snow - Part 1
Aggiunto 737 Visto / 0 LikesEpisode 1: First Day On Snow - Part 1 Brent Newell is a surf coach that made the move from the beaches of Costa Rica to the mountains of Lake Tahoe, CA. Given his background as a surfer and skater, you'd expect him to connect with snowboarding right away.
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06:46 Popular
Tomorrow Daily - JB-9 Jetpack Uses Actual Turbine Engines, Looks Like A Smooth Ride, Ep. 274
Aggiunto 743 Visto / 0 LikesClick here for the Tomorrow Daily article - Ashley discusses the JB-9 jetpack's flight around the Statue of Liberty, a concept that would transform tiny drones into flying pixels and a new interactive design system for creating our
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07:33 Popular
Top 10 Bruce Lee Fight Scenes
Aggiunto 837 Visto / 0 Likesthe greatest legend!!!
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05:37 Popular
Top 10 Bruce Lee Inspired Characters - Fighting Games - Anime
Aggiunto 662 Visto / 0 LikesThe FightersDen's Best Bruce Lee inspired fighting game/ anime characters. 10: Jacky Bryant - Virtua Fighter 9: Maxi - Soul Calibur 8: Kim Dragon - World Heroes 7: Jann Lee - Dead or Alive 6: Rock lee- 5 Might Guy - Naruto 4. Kenshiro - Fist of The North
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07:52 Popular
Top 10 Bruce Lee Moments
Aggiunto 667 Visto / 0 LikesHe's a legend for a reason. To commemorate the 40th anniversary of Bruce Lee's death on July 20th 1973, has decided to honor the icon by counting down the top 10 Bruce Lee moments. Check us out at,
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06:04 Popular
Top 10: Bruce Lee Fight Scenes
Aggiunto 848 Visto / 0 LikesBruce Lee is still the king of martial arts, despite being dead for decades. Here is our list of the best Bruce Lee fight scenes. *************************** FOLLOW THE STRANGE LIST: Twitter: Facebook: https://www.facebo