Sport Estremo
Video di sport estremi
01:44 Popular
Aggiunto 1,031 Visto / 0 LikesExperimenting with some rocket fuel and some cardboard and a small touch of creativity took us to new heights.... literally. We did looks one of our good friends, not knowing how to stop that thing!!
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01:44 Popular
Crave - Jetpack Travel Like You've Never Seen It
Aggiunto 930 Visto / 0 LikesClick here for the Crave article - Two extremely brave men take to the skies over Dubai to show off their jetpack skills in this heart-pounding video.
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04:06 Popular
Flying Jetpack Man With Airbus A380
Aggiunto 844 Visto / 0 LikesFlying Jetpack Man with Airbus A380 So far, we saw ex-fighter pilot Yves Rossy — a.k.a. Jetman — fly his jet-propelled wing in formation with another pilot, and we saw him whizz around Dubai's Burj Khalifa in glorious 4K resolution. His latest stunt, howe
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11:53 Popular
Jetman Dubai : Young Feathers 4K
Aggiunto 961 Visto / 0 LikesWe mark a new milestone in the chapter of human flight. Join Jetman Yves Rossy and his protege, Jetman Vince Reffet as they explore the limits in the city of dreams. "The real dream is to be completely free" Jetman features an all Original Soundtrack by P
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02:05 Popular
JetPack Aviation JB-9 JETPACK
Aggiunto 967 Visto / 0 LikesJetPack Aviation introduces the JB-9 JETPACK - The world's only true JetPack. Exclusive footage of the first untethered JetPack JB-9 flights. Website: Facebook: Twitter: https://twitter.
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06:46 Popular
Tomorrow Daily - JB-9 Jetpack Uses Actual Turbine Engines, Looks Like A Smooth Ride, Ep. 274
Aggiunto 743 Visto / 0 LikesClick here for the Tomorrow Daily article - Ashley discusses the JB-9 jetpack's flight around the Statue of Liberty, a concept that would transform tiny drones into flying pixels and a new interactive design system for creating our
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03:17 Popular
Flyboard - Coolest Water Jet Pack EVER!!!
Aggiunto 1,072 Visto / 0 LikesCheck out how to get a Flyboard in the link below! Rocky Mountain Flyboard: These guys are based in Utah and you can rent and buy Flyboards from them! These guys down below were the main athletes in the video. They give le
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08:37 Popular
Jetpack Rocket Science
Aggiunto 895 Visto / 0 LikesCheck out 2Veritasium! MinutePhysics has a great video on Milkman, vomiting levitator: Jetpacking was awesome fun! Despite the fat lip I had a great time. I think knowing a bit about physics actually helps fly
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09:50 Popular
Martin Jetpack Climbs 5000 Feet Above Sea Level
Aggiunto 951 Visto / 0 LikesAn innovative personal flying vehicle tests successfully and gives renewed hope for a Jetsons-like future. For more visit: --- Video Credit: ONE News - New Zealand
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1:38:38 Popular
GTA 5 PC Mods - JETPACK MOD! GTA 5 Jetpack Mod Gameplay & Flying Firefights! (GTA 5 Mods)
Aggiunto 959 Visto / 0 LikesGTA 5 PC Mods - JETPACK MOD! FLYING AROUND LOS SANTOS WITH GUNS AND JET PACKS! Be sure to also check out my Vehicle Jetpack Mod & Turbo Boost System! Be sure to subscribe for more gta 5 pc gameplay & gta 5 mods, as well as xbox one and ps4 gameplay, funny
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02:03 Popular
JetPack Aviation JB-9 JETPACK (GoPros Only Techno)
Aggiunto 961 Visto / 0 LikesExclusive footage of the first untethered JetPack JB-9 flights filmed 100% with GoPro HERO cameras. Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: https://ins
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06:04 Popular
The Inventern Episode 12: Building A Jetpack
Aggiunto 985 Visto / 0 LikesWatch the next episode early here: For the final challenge of the Inventern competition, Sean Charlesworth is attempting to build a wearable jetpack with mechanical wings. Half