Sport Estremo
Video di sport estremi
03:53 Popular
Tandem Snowboarding Friends
Aggiunto 652 Visto / 0 LikesHappy 3rd Birthday Kinsley! Your adventurous spirit and our teamwork have created an amazing and magical time for us. I could even call it pioneering. Thank you for bringing this experience to my life. I love you with all my heart, Dad ***Safety Warning**
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03:04 Popular
Volo In Deltaplano Montecucco Sud - 11 Novembre 2015 - Ugo
Aggiunto 651 Visto / 0 LikesFeatured -
05:26 Popular
Aggiunto 651 Visto / 0 LikesPLEASE DON'T FORGET TO LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Here's the link to SUBSCRIBE - So last weekend l got the opportunity to go snowboarding over in France with some of my best friends and be
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20:03 Popular
Aggiunto 651 Visto / 0 LikesCHECK TALOR - Vlog Ep.549 - Become a Brownie! - ✩ Twitter - ✩ SNAPCHAT! mr.benbrown ✩ Instagram - ✩ Blog/Website - http://www.mrbenb
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05:56 Popular
Snowboard Freestyle __Best Ever__ HD (DC Proteam)
Aggiunto 651 Visto / 0 LikesFeatured -
05:08 Popular
Kung-Fu: Bruce Lee Vs. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Aggiunto 651 Visto / 0 LikesIn this scene of the film Game of Death", Bruce Lee fights to his pupil Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, an enormous basketball player. Bruce tries to put of relief one of the basic ideas of all art marcial: if someone is fast and strong, the rival's size does not in
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05:46 Popular
FAMIGLIA TROLLATA - Reazione Al Video In Deltaplano
Aggiunto 651 Visto / 0 LikesQuando mi sono lanciato con il deltaplano non ho detto niente ai miei genitori, solo una volta tornato a casa ho fatto vedere loro il video del volo. L'avranno presa bene? Beccatevi la reazione. Pagina Facebook: Inst
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07:34 Popular
Volo In Deltaplano, I Primi Passi!
Aggiunto 651 Visto / 0 LikesDeltaplano, i primi passi di due "temerari pionieri" del volo libero! Per aspera ad astra! Qui facciamo vedere alcune fasi di come imparammo (solo leggendo un libro) a volare in deltaplano... il filmato è del ormai lontano 19 giugno 1985... un Atlas 16 si
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26:58 Popular
Bruce Lee Vs. Michael Jai White - UFC Fight Of The Century (Xbox One, PS4)
Aggiunto 650 Visto / 0 LikesThis was an amazing fight. Watch to see several close calls. Likes/ratings are greatly appreciated. Plus it makes me smile :D Facebook: instagram: twitter: @missxpeaches custom control
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02:05 Popular
Security Guard Vs 7 People - Real Life's Bruce Lee
Aggiunto 650 Visto / 0 LikesBoxer Security Guard argue with 7 people in traffic.Interesting event in Turkey bruce lee, turkey, bruce lee fight, bruce lee training, bruce lee interview, bruce lee movies, turkey calling,
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04:11 Popular
This Is KRAV MAGA (Best Of) 2 Of 2
Aggiunto 650 Visto / 0 LikesKrav Maga (hebr. קרב מגע „Kontaktkampf“) ist ein israelisches, modernes, eklektisches Selbstverteidigungssystem, das bevorzugt Schlag- und Tritttechniken nutzt, aber auch Grifftechniken, Hebel und Bodenkampf beinhaltet.