Sport Estremo
Video di sport estremi
25:15 Popular
Mestre Kobi | Krav Maga | Programa Do Jô (2004)
Aggiunto 808 Visto / 0 LikesMestre Kobi Lichtenstein,no Programa do Jô (2004), conta a situação real de assalto a mão armada que sofreu em um ônibus no Rio de Janeiro, em que reagiu e retirou os meliantes para fora do veículo, mostrando a efetividade do Krav Maga em circunstâncias d
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04:02 Popular
Strike First | 7 Keys To Surviving Imminent Violence | Krav Maga
Aggiunto 697 Visto / 0 LikesEffective preemptive striking can save your life when a violent confrontation is imminent. In this Krav Maga tutorial video, Ryan Hoover from Fit-To-Fight Krav Maga explores the 7 key points to surviving a serious fight by throwing the first punch. For bu
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02:30 Popular
How To Do Wrist Manipulations | Krav Maga Defense
Aggiunto 723 Visto / 0 LikesDo you REALLY know how to pack correctly? We didn’t either... Click here to learn How to Pack Like a Pro: Like these Krav Maga Tutorials !!! Check out the official app Want more techniques for Contact Combat?
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10:01 Popular
Krav Maga Combat Training Techniques
Aggiunto 804 Visto / 0 LikesThis is the full length sneak peek promo video for the Ultimate Krav Maga DVDs which use the latest in camera and editing technology to bring Krav Maga instruction to a whole new level. Do you want to learn more about Krav Maga and find training? Go to: h
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11:35 Popular
Functional Training For KRAV MAGA
Aggiunto 780 Visto / 0 LikesAllenamento Funzionale per il Krav Maga. Il Master Trainer WTA Emilio Troiano con la preziosa collaborazione del Docente Nazionale Federazione Krav Maga Italia Niki Del Torre, mostra le applicazioni del Functional Training alle tecniche specifiche del più
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04:56 Popular
Aggiunto 636 Visto / 0 LikesFORMATION KRAV MAGA EMETH IN ISRAEL The Academic College At WINGATE
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07:16 Popular
KRAV MAGA TRAINING • How To Punch A Face W/o Breaking Your Hand
Aggiunto 673 Visto / 0 LikesKrav maga Bareknuckle punches. How to punch bare knuckle. How to punch the face bareknuckle. How to strike the head in a street fight. KO knockout. Starring: Luca Arietti & Luca Goffi Difesa personale (autodifesa) e lotta da strada. Tecniche di combattime
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07:15 Popular
Técnicas Defensa Personal Krav Maga. Introducción Al Cuerpo A Cuerpo.
Aggiunto 660 Visto / 0 LikesVídeos Exclusivos en: En este vídeo Iñaki nos explica la importancia del cuerpo a cuerpo en la defensa personal, nos da consejos y claves sobre la materia, y termina mostrando un par de técnicas. Suscribete al Canal para
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07:32 Popular
Aggiunto 747 Visto / 0 Likes-Spring Krav Maga Viper exams 2015 in Myrodato beach (Xanthi-Greece) -The most realistic fighting and hard training exams in the Greek nature by the best of Krav Maga Viper , Master Iskan Selim
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05:35 Popular
KRAV MAGA TRAINING • Full Mount Choke Defense
Aggiunto 726 Visto / 0 LikesKrav maga ground technique. Full mount Choke defense. How to escape a full mount submission and choke. Starring: Luca Goffi • Brescia (BS) Difesa da strangolamento dalla monta. Lotta a terra.
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02:18 Popular
Aggiunto 802 Visto / 0 Likesall about krav maga techniques on Human Weapon
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31:34 Popular
Beginner Krav Maga Complete 30 Minute Class (Warm Up, Drills, Practice)
Aggiunto 740 Visto / 0 LikesFollow along with black belt instructor Michael South and his students in this 30 minute beginner krav class. This is specifically designed for students training at home alone or with a partner. You can learn more about joining our krav maga home study co