
Sport Estremo

Video di sport estremi

  • 02:27 Popular KRAV MAGA TRAINING • That's Why The Distance Is Important

    KRAV MAGA TRAINING • That's Why The Distance Is Important

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    Krav maga techniques on street. The importance of the distance in a fight. Do not allow anyone to knock you out. Starring: Luca Arietti • Brescia (BS)

  • 11:27 Popular KRAV-MAGA / PENCHAK SILAT : J.P JAUFFRET / F. ROPERS - Stage Fédéral FFST


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    Stage fédéral de Krav-Maga / Penchak Silat, organisé par la Fédération Française du Sport Travailliste (FFST) et dirigé par Jean-Paul JAUFFRET (Expert Krav-Maga niveau III de l'IKMF) et Franck ROPERS (Expert 5e Degré de Penchak SIlat FFST). Ce stage a eu

  • 06:16 Popular Krav Maga Vs MMA (Part 1)

    Krav Maga Vs MMA (Part 1)

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    World renown Krav Maga instructor Ricky Manetta shows MMA Strength and Conditioning coach Funk Roberts how to escape from a choke or getting strangled. Get more Krav Maga instructional videos and info at http://www.funkmma.com/site/MMAKravMaga Download 6

  • 05:58 Popular Técnica Defensa Personal Inicio De Pelea En La Calle. Técnica Krav Maga En Español.

    Técnica Defensa Personal Inicio De Pelea En La Calle. Técnica Krav Maga En Español.

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    Vídeos Exclusivos en: http://AprendeDefensaPersonal.com/ En este vídeo Iñaki nos explica como actuar ante una situación de inicio de pelea en la calle donde el adversario nos empuja cabeza con cabeza. Suscribete al Canal para Videos Semanales: http://bit.

  • 05:43 Popular Krav Maga Gun & Knife Defense Techniques

    Krav Maga Gun & Knife Defense Techniques

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    More Krav Maga with Marcus►http://bit.ly/1iKVWSk Here are a few Krav Maga weapon disarming techniques, taught by 2nd degree black belt Marcus Kowal. Like anything else, you must practice these drills with a partner, just because when using fake weapons, a

  • 10:46 Popular Why KRAV Maga/'Self Defense' DOESN'T Work In STREET FIGHTS! Must SEE!

    Why KRAV Maga/'Self Defense' DOESN'T Work In STREET FIGHTS! Must SEE!

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    ONLINE DISTANCE LEARNING - FREE WEEK LONG TRIAL!! http://www.Raw-Combat.com R.C.I. Official Training Gear - Merchandise & DVD Packages! http://www.Raw-Combat-Shop.com Yojimbo Fight Gear - by Luke Holloway http://www.Yojimbo-Fight-Gear.com Luke Holloway Fo

  • 12:42 Popular Bad Sportsmanship, Good Krav Maga

    Bad Sportsmanship, Good Krav Maga

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    https://selfdefenseglobal.com/ Bad Sportsmanship in the ring and cage is effective self-defense. Fouls have no place in sport combat, but judge the effectiveness of the techniques for yourself. Bad sportsmanship is good Krav Maga!

  • 04:31 Popular End A Fight In 3 Seconds | Krav Maga

    End A Fight In 3 Seconds | Krav Maga

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    SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: San Antonio, Texas August 15-16 with Ryan Hoover and Doug Marcaida. Register here: http://store.fit-to-fight.com/seminars/ Ending a fight efficiently with minimal engagement with the subject allowing for a rapid exit is ideal. In thi

  • 04:03 Popular KRAV MAGA TRAINING • How To Escape The Full Nelson

    KRAV MAGA TRAINING • How To Escape The Full Nelson

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    Krav maga technique. Wrestling technique: Full Nelson (Double Nelson - Nelson Hold) escaping. Life is not WWE, don't be bullied! How to escape the Full Nelson Hold. Starring: Luca Goffi • Brescia (BS) Come liberarsi da una presa da dietro Full Nelson. Tec

  • 03:41 Popular What To Do When Everything Goes Wrong | Krav Maga

    What To Do When Everything Goes Wrong | Krav Maga

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    You can't deescalate. You can't run. You've missed the bus on preemptive striking. What do you do? In this Krav Maga video, Ryan Hoover talks about how using the Arm Stop can get you to a better position to launch an aggressive counter-attack. Learn more

  • 08:40 Popular KRAV MAGA TRAINING • Knockout Pressure Points (part 1 Of 5)

    KRAV MAGA TRAINING • Knockout Pressure Points (part 1 Of 5)

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    Krav Maga Knockout Pressure Points. Krav Maga real knockout compilation. Kyokushin, Kung fu pressure points readapted for krav maga street fights. Find Human Weapon points. One punch KO - one hit knockout. Starring: Alberto Arietti • Brescia (BS) Defensa

  • 1:06:55 Popular Krav Maga - Training (part - 1) Israeli Super Secret Workout

    Krav Maga - Training (part - 1) Israeli Super Secret Workout

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    Только драки, только хардкор, только на этом канале фильм - крав мага тренировки часть 1 ------------------------------- Only fighting only hardcore on this channel film - Krav Maga training (yellow part 1) p.s. Splinter Cell using krav maga too
